the poetry of the game -- that's the secret. Baseball is a beautiful thing.
So is hockey (when they're not fucking striking), and hockey moves faster.
No, seriously, I can appreciate why people love it so. It's a game of numbers and of heart. However, for me, it's way too slow. I prefer my poetry set to a punk rock beat.
I don't know if it's close to what he means, but google has some connectiony stuff.
I'm not sure if that's what he means either, but it's connected enough that I forwarded the link to him.
I prefer my poetry set to a punk rock beat.
HA! Because of the hockey reference, I read this as "puck rock beat."
Annabel just came
this close
to climbing onto the sofa using one of the blocks she got for her birthday as a stepstool.
She's only been walking for two weeks or so! Yikes!
Sean, we* did Rimers, too. It was a hell of a show.
Oooh! Another heady school drama team. Rock on!
We did Six Characters in Search of an Author.
Hmm, Take Me Out could be a possibility- we're both huge baseball fans. I'm also hoping for some sort of sports bar that has satellite, and so many tvs there's a small chance of catching the Red Sox game. I know it's unlikely, but I can dream. Otherwise, it'll be a Cubs-eriffic weekend for me.
So is hockey (when they're not fucking striking), and hockey moves faster.
It's a lockout.
I like both, but hockey is gut and baseball is learned.
Yay Miracleborn new parents car!
Now he's drawing shapes (not quite correctly) and saying, "twiango, sue-cul, squay"
Awww! Go Aidan!
I love corndogs, real or veggie. Even better is at the BBQ place near work where they do "drowned corndogs"--smothered in their chili and cheese. MMMMMM.
Meh on the New England snow. Yo, April, you better cut this shit out pronto!
gives April teh MAJOR stinkeye