gronk. I just want to crawl in bed. I stayed up too late last night, knew I would feel this way and still did it. I get to go home soon, but first my computer needs slight tweaking, something doesn't work right after it was reimaged.
On top of that I have to type/edit a letter from an employee who tends to write inflammatory letters and memos that have to be taken down several notches before they can be seen by anyone. This is a particularly hard one.
Oh, and the drivers for the sound card are messed up and have been since the reimaging...which means everyone sounds like chipmunks when I play music.
Although jeff buckley and rufus wainwright sounding like Alivn were kind of funny.
I'm poking around online- what's a fun place in Chicago I should demand to be taken to? A fun nightclub? Something neat to do? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
Cats are coming home, people are getting new homes, and Princess Tickybox's arrival is immanent. Sounds like a good day around Bitches.
I just got back from Amsterdam last night, so I'm feeling pretty good myself. Terrific city.
It so was. Four days of museums, booze, canals, food, more museums, more booze, and the occasional cutiehead fella. I only got an actual pass an hour before I was due to leave, alas. Still, it's nice to be flirted with.
That sounds great, Calli.
I recommend drinks at the bar atop the Hancock building in Chicago, Lilty. Great view during the day and at night. We hit it for sunset, and that was pretty awesome.
No hash bars?
Every fifth storefront, give or take. I didn't even need to go into one, I just walked by and got a shotgun, desired or not.
Although post-2nd-hand high snacking in Amsterdam is really, really good. Chocolate covered waffles or falafal. Or both. Plus, really, really, really good apple pie. Mmmmmmm.
Pot's not my thing--my addictions of choice are caffeine and occasionally booze. But the Amsterdam stoners were quite polite and pleasant. So were most of the drunks, for that matter. (At least, I hope I was.)