Oh! And Joey the Cat came home last night!!!
Two girls found him late last night in an alley one street over from my friend's house. They called her number from the flyer and she picked him up--he was a little confused and a little grumpy but he's otherwise ok.
The whole story just reinforces how much I love our neighborhood sometimes and, especially, the group of friends I have here now. Joey may not have been found so quickly had it not been for another friend of ours who lives nearby. She was walking her dog yesterday afternoon and ran into these girls hanging out by their house near where Joey lives. She told them about him going missing and they said they thought they'd seen him around already. She asked them to look out for him and told them about the flyers. When he showed up again in their alley late last night, they knew to look for the flyer and call Joey's person right away.
Yay! Happy Pet Missing Stories! I'm so relieved!!!
(picturing a little girl wondering why she gets "TickyBox" cards.)
That stuff is true, Cindy. And I suppose there are only so many ways to kill twenty minutes(/fake jaded.) You know it's fake because I'm still puzzled by the plugs.
lisah, that's such great news. I'm relieved the kitty made it home.
Yay for Joey getting home!
Me too! My friend called me last night and said he was standing up in the hallway meowing away. Like normal. phew.
In other news, I just had the most delicious beef stew. Leftovers from what my bandmate made for pre-practice dinner last night. We Are the most well-fed band in Rock and Roll.
You should totally introduce yourselves that way.
Oh, I'm so glad Joey the Cat made it home OK!
You should totally introduce yourselves that way
We did thank "tacos" in our liner notes...also some other things. Cookies probably. And orangina.
gronk. I just want to crawl in bed. I stayed up too late last night, knew I would feel this way and still did it. I get to go home soon, but first my computer needs slight tweaking, something doesn't work right after it was reimaged.
On top of that I have to type/edit a letter from an employee who tends to write inflammatory letters and memos that have to be taken down several notches before they can be seen by anyone. This is a particularly hard one.
Oh, and the drivers for the sound card are messed up and have been since the reimaging...which means everyone sounds like chipmunks when I play music.
Although jeff buckley and rufus wainwright sounding like Alivn were kind of funny.