My mom never threatened; she promised. If we acted up, she delivered us to the car, and home.
Mine, too, Daniel. I remember fully loaded carts standing lonely and deserted in the grocery store while my mom dragged the offending child off with the other children quietly following.
<applauds the citrus juggling>
I'm appreciated! And they said I'd never make my mark in the performance arts. You should see when I set the citrus on fire first.
Hiya, aurelia! How are you tonight?
You are always appreciated, Kristin. Oooh, I'll bet the flaming citrus is pretty... and fragrant too.
I'm good. My current gig, which should be at least a little stressful, has turned out to be pretty easy. I'm hoping it doesn't become too boring before it ends.
Excellent. I'm having a little late night insomnia as a side with my main course of sleep. I thought I'd wander in here a bit and see who else was up and about.
Next time, try the salad instead.
I'm trying to decide between bed and making some LJ replies. Bed might win.
Bed is looking like a good option for me as well, though I don't know if I will be able to sleep again just yet. In any case, sleep well, sweetie!
ETA: Perkins! Did you have a great trip? How's the packing going?
I did have a great trip. I'm in NoCal right now, but going back to LA tomorrow, which is ahead of schedule, so I have more time to pack.