Nora, I am so impressed with the house-buying! Go you.
Gudanov, I'm sorry. I hope you can work through it.
Juliana, your wedding pictures are *gorgeous.* You and Z just look so happy and right together.
And on the love/friendship thing ... I can't imagine loving someone and not liking him. (Being attracted to someone I didn't like, yes, but that's different.) It sounds very retrograde and unpleasant to me.But I'm not sure where P. and I are on the friendship-love continuum. I think we were becoming friends at the same time as we were falling in love, but there wasn't any period where I would have described him as a "friend" and not as "my boyfriend," if that makes sense. I do think we're best friends now.
Juliana, many seconds on how awesome your wedding photos are! You look amazing, and it looks like a really fun wedding.
My Latina students taught me all about quincineras today.
I had no idea it was so complicated and big and expensive!
Ugh, Beth, that sounds horrid. I hope you get better very quickly.
I've been busy today doing very important things. First, I napped all morning. Kara woke at 3:30 and wouldn't go back to sleep, so we stayed up all night. I got her to fall asleep at 7, got an hour and a half of sleep, and then Aidan got up. I fed him breakfast, turned on Noggin, and hit the couch for a couple of hours. Kara got up, I fed everyone lunch, and then I put Aidan down for a nap.
I futzed a little, and then I got busy. Kara and I picked up all the toys in the living room, Then Kara, Aidan and I built the second bookshelf, turned it cater-corner in the corner and fit the TV on the bottom shelf. It's a tad low for us but perfect for Aidan and Kara likes it too.
I put many of the library books and DVDs on the shelves above and now I just have to move the couch so we can see the TV when we're sitting on it. There's lots more to do, but it's not going to get done today.
Over the course of the last week, I also bought a potted gardenia and ficus which will go on the front porch tonight, an orchid for the dining room table, and got Kara some pansies to plant in her windowbox garden. That'll happen tomorrow. Whew.
This is all Nora's fault. She talked about HGTV. I'm also going to blame Nora if I end up getting to buy a house this year.
Whoops! I forgot to say that I love your wedding pictures, Juliana. So pretty. My favorite is the one of you and your mom, so loving.
It goes without saying that Juliana is gorgeous.
Please to keep breathing, beth. Yikes!
I am now exhausted by Deena's accomplishments and may take a nap.
I spent the morning in ER getting breathing treatments . yay . asmatic bronchitis
oh, no, Beth! Are you doing better?
Deena, HA! This is why I'm not allowed to watch Househunters anymore. I keep runing to the computer and checking craigslist at commercial breaks.
Frank, I'm going to email you- is your profile addy good?
Oh, Beth! Healthma going your way.
With MIL still in town, I was able to leave Annabel with her while I ran by Kinko's and the post office. So nice to be able to just make copies of something and stick them in the mail without it being a Grand Production. I've gotten so use to transferring Annabel back and forth from the stroller to the carseat that I've forgotten how much quicker it is when it's just you.
i've napped most of the after noon - it is easier to sleep when you can breath
Nora, are you leaving me? Er, that is, the Cambridge/Somerville area?
Also, folks, can I just say, high schools students? Weird. One of the students today said exponent rules were "corny".
Okay, well, I wasn't ready to post yet, thank you straying fingers.
Must. Write. Paper.
Naps are good. I hope you feel better.