I spent the morning in ER getting breathing treatments . yay . asmatic bronchitis
oh, no, Beth! Are you doing better?
Deena, HA! This is why I'm not allowed to watch Househunters anymore. I keep runing to the computer and checking craigslist at commercial breaks.
Frank, I'm going to email you- is your profile addy good?
Oh, Beth! Healthma going your way.
With MIL still in town, I was able to leave Annabel with her while I ran by Kinko's and the post office. So nice to be able to just make copies of something and stick them in the mail without it being a Grand Production. I've gotten so use to transferring Annabel back and forth from the stroller to the carseat that I've forgotten how much quicker it is when it's just you.
i've napped most of the after noon - it is easier to sleep when you can breath
Nora, are you leaving me? Er, that is, the Cambridge/Somerville area?
Also, folks, can I just say, high schools students? Weird. One of the students today said exponent rules were "corny".
Okay, well, I wasn't ready to post yet, thank you straying fingers.
Must. Write. Paper.
Naps are good. I hope you feel better.
glad beth can breathe!
Frank, insent to your profile address. let me know if you ned me to resend.
Edit: Might be better off in Natter. Oops.
My city is so uncool the alternative weekly ran a series on how not-cool it is.
Sad, but sort of a relief in an "At least it's just not me." way.
Doesn't really solve my boredom problem, though.
Nora, Greg says, "Are you going to watch that show again??" BUT, when I turn on Design on a Dime, before you know it he's watching it with me and commenting. "How will that work?" and "Oh, wow, that's really cool." While I keep saying, "Oh! I could do that!" He likes what I've done to the living room so far.
Heh. I now have a power tools wish list at Home Depot.
Nora, got your message - I will reply via e-mail tomorrow more fully (my home e-mail is problematical send-wise), but I don't think that's going to be feasible.