Catching up:
Thanks for the wedding comments. AmyLiz, I have a feeling this one is going to be just as soggy. I stuff tissues up my sleeve for that very purpose. I always ask the intendeds, "If you start to cry and want to stop, is there something I can do to help?" Most of the time, no one takes advantage of that option. I think the tears are the best bit. The challenge is keeping them down myself!
I love the idea of a paddleboat Robin. And this ceremony is on the Eastern Shore! I'll make that suggestion.
Mom's heckling is not an eventuality I ever considered ita. Jeez. What would I do with THAT? "Mom will be here all week folks. Try the veal."
Juliana, if you can share it...what possible quote would combine Krusty the Clown and Hitler? The mind boggles. And good on ya for having a great sense of humor. I always try to inject at least one laught in every ceremony. Not always appreciated by the gathered, but the intendeds usually like it.
And a big HUH to "I Started A Joke" being about Jesus. I. Did. Not. Know. That. makes sense now that you mention it though
Buffiversaries. Mine must have been in February some time. Jeez. Time flys!
I feel better that some wicked smart people didn't know the whole "I Started a Joke" thing.
I don't even know the song, though I'm now tempted to Google the lyrics.
Beej, I don't have the text in front of me, but it was along the lines of "As that great sage Herschel Krustofski once said - 'Marriage is the most fakataked thing one can do.' Many famous people have been married, such as Albert Einstein, John F. Kennedy, and Adolf Hitler."
HUGE paraphrase and misspelling, but you get the idea.
Happy Postiversary, P-C!
Mine must have been in February some time.
Mine was, too! I could check the original Great Write thread, I guess. If I weren't way too lazy.
I feel better that some wicked smart people didn't know the whole "I Started a Joke" thing.
I don't think I count as one of those, but count me among the people who had no idea. Now I need to listen to it again.
Wait, somebody dumped Kate?
Never heard the Bee Gees "I started a joke" thing and I worked in radio for many years near that time. Huh. Learn something new every day.
I feel better that some wicked smart people didn't know the whole "I Started a Joke" thing.
It's only a (relative) few places on Google, and no where official, so I think your other friends were faking you out, Jen. That is, about knowing it in the first place.
Wait, somebody dumped Kate?
If only we Buffistas had a cabinet position dedicated to removing the clearly stupid from the gene pool.
If you start killing people who break up with Buffistas, it's possible that the currently NGA will never GA ever again.
Count me among those boggling at anyone dumping Kate. If my Kinsey tilted that way, I'd totally consider her a prize and a catch that, once caught, ought to be treasured and delighted in.
P-C, happy Buffistaversary!
I am hee-heeing madly over your knowledge of The Bird, The Mouse and the Sausage. The story element that really pushed it into craxyland for me was not just that the sausage was swallowed by a dog, but that the dog, when called on it, had a whole elaborate justification for having done so. "It was a meatwad and I'm a dog" was not enough; "it was a talking meatwad and thus an affront to rational storytelling, and I'm a dog" was not enough. No, in the craxyland of this story, "It was a talking meatwad carrying
forged letters,
and I'm a dog." That's the kind of unexpected narrative brilliance that just leaves me breathless.
Also, the moral of the story is clearly something like
If you ever dare to change anything about the way you carry out any duty whatsoever, you and everyone you love will die horribly,
which is a marvelous insight into the Dark Ages Middle-to-Northern-Eastern-European worldview. I want to marry this fucked-up folk tale and have its deeply wrong babies.