Oh dear, that would make me laugh and cry too, Cindy. Poor Christopher.
Robin, I think that might be it! I've ordered it from the library. Thank you.
I went to physical therapy this morning and feel much better. My PT has gotten into the habit of giving me a neck massage first thing. Such a nice way to start the day.
Cindy, your children are priceless.
Word to the wise: Do not play stupid April Fool's jokes on the head of the TS department, especially stupid jokes that piss him off. The culprits of last Friday's exploit in stuffing all the spare chairs and empty boxes into the office, then taping the door closed, this morning found their email boxes downloading thousands of mysterious messages from the server, all the messages having mysterious attachments and text boxes flashing on and off rapidly.
The ringleader spent fifteen waiting for it to stop, getting increasingly more nervous, before she went to Mr. TS to report it. Mr. TS said, "Well, we can't do anything till it stops. Try rebooting." Two cycles of this, and Mr. TS starts making grim remarks about viruses. Ringleader swears she doesn't recognize any of the names of the senders of the emails. Things are still downloading. It's not until she hears from her cronies who are having the same problems that it dawns on her. She sidles up to Mr. TS's office door. "Does this have anything to do with last Friday?" He smiles very faintly, "You think I might have been annoyed enough to do something like this?" "Um, maybe?" He leans over to his computer and types something, still smiling. She skulks back to her computer, which has stopped downloading, and starts deleting the messages.
Don't mess with the geeks.
Mr. Rogers? Still dead.
It's got to be a hard concept to grasp, that people die but videotape goes on forever. It's kind of like the story a friend tells. When her daughter was about 8, she was watching an old black-and-white movie on TV and turned to her mother and said, "What was it like when the world turned colored?"
That bra only goes up to a DD.
t hubba
I'm sick. On the plus side, I'm not at work.
It's got to be a hard concept to grasp, that people die but videotape goes on forever. It's kind of like the story a friend tells. When her daughter was about 8, she was watching an old black-and-white movie on TV and turned to her mother and said, "What was it like when the world turned colored?"
It broke my heart when my nephew, after watching a rerun where a character that had been killed off was still alive, turned to his mother and asked when his daddy was coming back. There's an age where children understand the finality of death and until it is reached, there is no such thing as dead and gone. TV reruns sure as heck don't help it come any sooner.
SailAweigh and Jen have new tags.
Today is my Buffistaversary! One year exactly, in approximately three or four hours.
Our baby Polter, all grown up.
Happy Buffistaversary P-C!
(I'm glad to see you're still alive, too!)
Catching up:
Thanks for the wedding comments. AmyLiz, I have a feeling this one is going to be just as soggy. I stuff tissues up my sleeve for that very purpose. I always ask the intendeds, "If you start to cry and want to stop, is there something I can do to help?" Most of the time, no one takes advantage of that option. I think the tears are the best bit. The challenge is keeping them down myself!
I love the idea of a paddleboat Robin. And this ceremony is on the Eastern Shore! I'll make that suggestion.
Mom's heckling is not an eventuality I ever considered ita. Jeez. What would I do with THAT? "Mom will be here all week folks. Try the veal."
Juliana, if you can share it...what possible quote would combine Krusty the Clown and Hitler? The mind boggles. And good on ya for having a great sense of humor. I always try to inject at least one laught in every ceremony. Not always appreciated by the gathered, but the intendeds usually like it.
And a big HUH to "I Started A Joke" being about Jesus. I. Did. Not. Know. That. makes sense now that you mention it though
Buffiversaries. Mine must have been in February some time. Jeez. Time flys!