Susan, we did the slow introduction of milk which Burrell recommends, for all three kids. It worked well. You're still warming her formula?
I can't believe Annabel and Owen have been on this earth for a year, now. It just kills me. And now we have a whole new rash of babies (no pun intended) who've already started arriving. Things happen--time passes--too quickly.
Good morning! and Timelies! and Happy More Light Day!
Ok, that was WAY more exclamation points than I actually have the energy for.
I can't believe Annabel and Owen have been on this earth for a year, now. It just kills me. And now we have a whole new rash of babies (no pun intended) who've already started arriving. Things happen--time passes--too quickly.
I know! It's crazy. I just got pictures of my cousin's little boy's first birthday party. I've never even met the little cutie. Time sometimes goes by too fast.
Where is everybody? Come on! Time to get up and chat with vw!
I can't believe Annabel and Owen have been on this earth for a year, now. It just kills me.
I joined the board just before Annabel was born - I clearly remember the announcement that she was here, and it's hard to believe it's been a whole year.
Oh my. The sun is poking through the clouds. It might be a nice day after all.
Hi Stephanie!
Good morning. It would be a nicer morning if it were actually 8:23 instead of 9:23. The first few days of DST are a killer for me.
Stephanie, that's so funny. It feels like you've been here forever. I remember the morning Susan was in here, wondering if just maybe...
And I remember getting an email from Cashmere soon thereafter, and having to keep my mouth shut about it, which is so not my gift.
I just got pictures of my cousin's little boy's first birthday party. I've never even met the little cutie. Time sometimes goes by too fast.
Don't you hate that, vw? I have cousins in farflung places too, and I really don't think it's fair I don't get to know their babies. Most of Scott's siblings live around here, so their children are a big part of our lives. Two of them don't though, and it always amazes me if it's a year or two between visits, just how big they've gotten. I don't really think they should be allowed to age while absent from us. It's too disconcerting.
Ugh, Anne. I am perpetually doing that--meaning to reply and not.
The first few days of DST are usually a killer for me, too. I was up at the crack of obscene today, so even though it's an hour later than I'm used to, I'm about an hour ahead, in terms of getting ready for the day. Church starts at 10:30. I've been showered, dressed, and made up for the last half hour. I've already had breakfast, put away the dishes, and made the beds. I almost never get the beds made before church.
I'm giving good odds we'll still manage to be late somehow, though.
Hi vw!
It's sunny here - should be a nice
And...I just got off the phone with Joe. So nice to talk to him this morning.
ETA: Cindy, I feel like I've been here forever too. Actually, it feels like I've known about Annabel forever, but mentioning her birthday reminded me.
I constantly tease my sister by insisting that my niece and nephew aren't growing up that quickly, she's just hiring older actors each season to replace the younger ones. Like they do on tv shows.