Look at one of the provisions of the new Energy Bill.
From the article.
For example, language agreed to by House-Senate negotiators would, for the first time, end a requirement that construction activities related to oil and gas exploration operate with a permit under the Clean Water Act.
Democrats and environmental organizations are also objecting to a provision in the bill that exempts fluids used in hydraulic fracturing from the law that regulates the underground injection of liquid wastes.
The drilling procedure involves injecting a mixture of fluids and sand under very high pressure to crack rock and coal seams, aiding the escape of trapped oil and gas. The technique is spreading because of a boom in drilling for methane gas in coal beds. Most of the richest lodes are adjacent to vast underground drinking water reservoirs.
EPA, in an initial assessment of the impact published last summer, concluded there was a low risk of drinking-water contamination. But it invited public comment.
However, Sen. Pete Domenici, R-N.M., and Rep. Billy Tauzin, R-La., who are drafting a compromise House-Senate energy bill, rejected Senate-passed language that would have allowed EPA to continue to study the issue, subject to a review by the National Academy of Sciences.
Instead, they adopted the full exemption included in the House-passed version of the energy legislation.
So not only are energy companies exempt from the Clean Water Act for this procedure, the EPA is not allowed to study the health effects.
This is just plain evil.
Cash, yay! I don't know about the rest of the country, but in Northern California those are the #1 top best-ever most favoritest AIFG!-itastic toddler boots ever. Rainy days, sunny days, around the house, at preschool and church and birthday parties and pretty much everywhere but bed. They are crazy loyal to those boots.
I don't know about the rest of the country, but in Northern California those are the #1 top best-ever most favoritest AIFG!-itastic toddler boots ever.
What's really funny is that when DH was about three years old, his mother got him some regular, little, yellow rain boots and he wore them ALL THE TIME. To bed. Everywhere. There are pictures. So if O's anything like his dad, he'll be very attached to the boots.
he wore them ALL THE TIME. To bed. Everywhere. There are pictures.
My brother and I used to wear my parents' black rubber rain boots (which were essentially pointless in NM, but they were from when they lived in rainier climates. ) They prettymuch came to the top of our thighs. My brother's naked phase involved wearing just those boots and a straw hat. There also were pictures. I got lots of blackmail mileage from of that....
I know people are dying for another time-waster.
Guess the Google
This is just plain evil.
I've been saying this for over 4 years now. It's not even hyperbole.
Fiona, much ma to you. Take it easy.
sending all the ma~~ I can to Fiona.
and spitting on the whole energy bill. I grew up in an area with really good water. then there was the yearthat there was contamination of something that smelled like oil. /testing it - put it in the safe catagory - very safe. But as far as I am concerned, it doesn't take much petrolumn to make water taste and smell undrinkabe.
Much placenta~ma to Fiona.
my spelling - and possibly my gronkieness - is/are killing me on the guess the goggle game.
I had red rain boots when I was little, and could never understand why I couldn't go outside and jump in puddles in any kind of rainy weather--I didn't care if it was cold or thunderstormy out, so why should Mom?