Plei, if you are nursing, don't despair! The womb will continue to shrink slowly but steadily for about 4 to 6 weeks. After that, it takes about a million sit-ups, which is very sad-making.
I am nursing (at times, it seems like all I do, and I can sense by the squirming going on in the Pack n' Play that I'm about to have another bout of it), and my only despair WRT my waistline is that I seem to have worn a hole in the ass of my comfy pants that fit.
One of these days, my wedding rings will fit. The stand in ring I bought about ten weeks ago finally started to fit over my knuckles again today.
Nilly? Calling Nilly! You around?
I think that Nilly may be offline because of the holiday, vw.
From Star Wars to Grammar Wars. Such is Natter.
Dana, try this one. [link] They include a decent outline of their criteria, but I didn't see if they listed scores. I know several magazines also come up with their own listings, but I'm not certain which ones.
I just got home from work. I think I will go to bed and hope to dream of pretty men reading to me.
I think that Nilly may be offline because of the holiday, vw.
Oh, now that makes total sense. Silly me with the not thinking before posting.
Oh, now that makes total sense. Silly me with the not thinking before posting.
If this is the new standard, I'm in trouble.
Timelies! I've decided my goal this week is to be comfortably on time to work each day. Luckily, I've decided this in plenty of time to do something about it this morning, unlike making this decision at 9:15 or something.
If this is the new standard, I'm in trouble.
I don't think it's a new standard. It's my silly standard, which we've established in other threads is not always a reasonable standard. So, keep that in mind.
Theo! I should like jump on AIM and say hi.
Head is still full of gronk. However, I have hot tea and a banana nut muffin. Life is good. (Well, as good as it can be on a Monday morning.)
I'm getting a tooth filled this afternoon. I'm pretty excited, since I get to leave work early. See, I dreamt I stayed home all day today, for no good reason, and woke up feeling like a crappy employee. So it's nice to wake up and realise that I'm not