I'm good! Today I wore shoes I haven't fit into since about 6/7 weeks ago!
We're half-assedly prepping the house for the window guys, who are coming on the 29th.
Also? Today was my due date! Sadly, I think the amazing speed deflation (I lost two inches from my waist in two days earlier in the week) has tapered off, and I'm getting an idea of what my post-baby body's going to look like for a while.
thank you very much for the lovely picture
Yay for good! That's exciting about the shoes, too.
You know, a fella loses his shirt the
I can do is let him read to me if that's what he wants.
I'm just that kind of gal.
I'm just that kind of gal.
You've got a good heart, Trudy. You should let him rest his head on your chest too.
If only that he might hear it beat.
Grey's Anatomy:
Speaking of shirtlessness
. . .
Plei, if you are nursing, don't despair! The womb will continue to shrink slowly but steadily for about 4 to 6 weeks. After that, it takes about a million sit-ups, which is very sad-making.
I thought it would be sorta trite for them to get together but now, for asthetic reasons, I think its a fanfuckingTASTIC idea.
Plei, if you are nursing, don't despair! The womb will continue to shrink slowly but steadily for about 4 to 6 weeks. After that, it takes about a million sit-ups, which is very sad-making.
I am nursing (at times, it seems like all I do, and I can sense by the squirming going on in the Pack n' Play that I'm about to have another bout of it), and my only despair WRT my waistline is that I seem to have worn a hole in the ass of my comfy pants that fit.
One of these days, my wedding rings will fit. The stand in ring I bought about ten weeks ago finally started to fit over my knuckles again today.