I think Susan's question points to the fact that you may be named Jeffs, and own something; and you may be two people named Jeff, and own something; and both situations may use the same word. Can't they?
Not the way I learned it. Which doesn't mean it's an absolute law, but if I wrote Jeffs', I'd absolutely mean belonging to two or more guys named Jeff, while Jeffs's would just as definitely mean belonging to one guy named Jeffs.
Oof, long drive, but I am home, in Belmont, and I have my wireless working.
I thought Nutty was referring to strictly British rules with her "Jeffs's" example.
Not the way I learned it. Which doesn't mean it's an absolute law, but if I wrote Jeffs', I'd absolutely mean belonging to two or more guys named Jeff, while Jeffs's would just as definitely mean belonging to one guy named Jeffs.
This is how I learned it, too. I didn't think Jeffs's was possible in a two Jeff situation, although as the flip side of Susan's coin, I would have understood it to mean something belonging to a guy named Jeffs, and the format would have bugged me.
I'd want "findyourspot.com" if I were researching a move, which I'm not. At the moment. I'm looking for a more academic bent on things.
I can't even remember the damn name of what I'm looking for. Arrrgh. I'm going to have to call my dad and ask for help on my homework.
A cute little house down the street from us looks like it was foreclosed on by the state. No "For Sale" sign, but there is a placard in the window, the house is padlocked and is empty.
The county auditor's website says it's owned by HUD. It's totally affordable for a rental if it's for sale. But how do I find out if the house is going to be sold? Or auctioned off? Will a call to HUD give me the information I need?
I'd want "findyourspot.com" if I were researching a move, which I'm not. At the moment. I'm looking for a more academic bent on things.
I can't even remember the damn name of what I'm looking for. Arrrgh. I'm going to have to call my dad and ask for help on my homework.
Dana, is this what you're thinking of?
Hmm. I'm not sure, but it looks fascinating regardless. I'll definitely check it out. Thanks.
Evening all, what oh what am I going to do with myself until 'Locusts' starts tonight???
eta. Okay, a PBS show on the Grand Canyon. Yay.
Yay! Jacob Carter on Jordan's Crossing! Playing the Dominican counsel, which is a little weird.