Nerd patrol checking in. I watched the big fight over the Death Star and was being intranced by listening to the music with the corresponding visuals for a change, instead of just listening to the soundtrack.
I was so pissed when Luke and Leia
turned out to be brother and sister, I was all for LukNLeea4Eva!
(joins Trudy in the inexplicable love of whitefonting things some people learned before they reached first grade [rotten kids, get offa my lawn])
Gosh, watching it all first run and schreeching about it with Amy and listening to people who'd just seen the movies say, "No, really. Vader and Luke!"
Yoda just said:
"Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter." I'm just relieved it wasn't edited to "Well, except on a microscopic level, then its all about the crude matter. But its a little glowy maybe."
Not watching, just quoting
"Do or do not! There is no try"
I am the Über Nerd. Later nerds are fashioned after me.
Trudy whitefonting Bobba's relationship with his DNA makes me ... OK. I'm forced to go with "proud."
Luke and Leia got it on. Their baby will play the banjo, on a bridge.
Their baby will play the banjo, on a bridge.
Using only the Force, because, you know, double dose of the mito-whatzits.
t nerd alert
Oh, god, I just had a Bene Gesserit flash of "Hm, what kind of Jedi would we get if we started breeding them together, since, apparently, Jedis aren't supposed to care about things like love and romance and all that." Heck, even the Vulcans got Pon Faar.
Damn, three separate sci-fi universes in one post. I may need a geek intervention.
Oh, god, I just had a Bene Gesserit flash of "Hm, what kind of Jedi would we get if we started breeding them together, since, apparently, Jedis aren't supposed to care about things like love and romance and all that." Heck, even the Vulcans got Pon Faar.
Connie, I don't want to know what kind of babies Ce Ce Denowai and Yoda would have.
I'm weak, in that way.
I'm thinking Darth Maul and Mrs. Fett's babies would be ... well, hot.
t senses a disturbance in the google
Mrs. Fett, indeed.
Hello, all. Listening to a very dramatic baseball game.
My environs having an accent, that's often the most irritating part of fictional local color. Take Crossing Jordan. Jordan's dad (a Boston actor) has a thick, accurate accent; no other character, even his own daughter, has any accent at all. The show makes a big thing out of "Logan Airport" instead of, like "the airport" (there is only one close by), but they pronounce the names of nearby cities wrong.
Not even the jokey Medford = meffa thing, but it's MED-frd, not Med-FORD. Woburn is WOO-brn, not WOE-brn.
oh!! Jay Payton grand slam! Whatta game! (That part isn't about Corssing JOrdan, BTW.)
Fox is airing the Star Wars Trilogy (complete with goofy retcon edits), I missed all but the end of Star Wars, and the tapes of the original films are sitting five FEET from the vcr and yet...
Is this the DVD version? I have both the original and the THX box sets, but I can justify watching the broadcast since I never saw they theatrical re-release or DVD versions.