I wonder if they get things wrong on purpose, because they're often things that would be so easy to check.
I don't think it's on purpose -- I think it's just not important. I mean, if they're on location, they damned well know what it takes to get from point A to B. But putting that into the text may be more bother than it's worth.
So they're not unaware, they're not setting out to do it wrong, it's just something they leave by the wayside as they put the story together.
Which reminds me -- just saw
The Interpreter.
I don't know enough about NY to say if it was accurate, but
was that ever a NY movie. Even without the UN bits. It just felt very
I was thinking about this while watching Numb3rs the other day. The place where they were
searching for the bomb
was exactly the same place Don circled on the map. (I used Google's satellite map to check...)
Well, to 90% of people watching a show, little geographical bleeps don't matter because they aren't familiar with the area, and doing it that way serves the look of the production or the budget or both. I think that's a good trade-off for the 10% of the viewers who are going to go "Hey, how'd they get from Weehauken to the Village in 20 minutes?"
Baltimore ... a romantic comedy type show
It would have to be about crabs.
Romance. Crabs. OK. It might not work.
Anyway. What is it going to take to get things off of the coasts?
Emily, I am whitefonting
Star Wars
because it makes me giggle helplessly. Every. darn. time.
NYC screw ups are fun. In the beginning of
Men in Black
Will Smith sprints fifty plus blocks from just outside Grand Central to the Guggenheim because, I guess, they wanted those two locations in the opening. It's goofy.
And I just saw the
preview. Damn that looks good. Dare I hope?
I mean, if they're on location, they damned well know what it takes to get from point A to B. But putting that into the text may be more bother than it's worth.
That's assuming to some extent that they're shooting in sequence though and, as I understand it, they so often don't. Day 26 I'm shooting Will jumping off the buss at Pershing Square. Day 118 we're up at the Guggenheim. If I'm not from NYC I probably don't realize how far away we are and if I'm not reading along I may not even realize its a sequentially geographically impossible scene.
Awww.... Boba Fette
LOVES Vader. He just said "As you wish". You'd think he'd be getting some royalties on his DNA being the source of their entire damn army and would have stopped these pissant bounty gigs by now
Awww.... Boba Fette ...
Too many nerds. Must run for cover.
We just got back from the Burbank Kiwanis car show. It was in Johnny Carson Park, which we get to by walking down Bob Hope Boulevard. I live in the oddest small town ever.
Gus! I was snarking, I swear! Go read the whitefont!