I am in a bad mood about how every show on TV is shoving either LA, NYC, Miami or Seattle down my throat.
NYC and LA are completely different things than most of America. They disagree with each other, but they disagree about the same things. Things no one in Kansas gives a hoot about.
Vancouver is always Seattle. It isn't even in America.
Miami? Miami agrees with a lot of stuff that LA agrees with. Gawd help them both.
I think you're right, Cindy. At least I
you're right.
I'm a gibbering idiot because the trilogy is on. Oy.
Yeah, it's either one of those or it's Chulak and the Land of Light. All the damn time. I mean, come on, people, there are other planets out there!
Gus, eventually they'll get around to CSI: Indianapolis.
Timelies all!
We went to three open houses(townhouses for sale) today. One's a possibility, one's a little too small and one is lovely but waaaay the hell out of our price range.
eventually they'll get around to CSI: Indianapolis.
Great. Four episodes in, they discover that taking DNA off of shoplifted items from the Gap is not selling BMW's.
I would suggest CSI: San Francisco, except that the San Francisco police have an infamously low closure rate, so the show would consist mostly of cops wandering around with lattes in one hand saying "Sure, you can file a report, but don't expect us to catch anybody."
t sprays Karl Malden repellent all over the thread
t sprays Michael Douglas repellent all over the thread
CSI:San Francisco! They could shoot it in Vancouver. The latte's could be in SBC cups. Loving this!
That Skywalker kid just
STOLE that freakin x-wing. He didn't ask anyone, he didn't even tell them he was on some sort of quest. He just thiefed the fighter and split.
Holy carp. People are actually watching Star Wars.