I don't think it is that simple -- at least not the way they portrayed it last night.
The bad guy/cutie/Satan was opposed to Joan and was clever about charming his way into the mix.
I saw this three times on TV recently.
Point Pleasant,
Well, I had fears -- mostly due to
Tru - and because of the way that they had "Sympathy for the Devil" on the soundtrack when they introduced Ryan. Well, JoA is better written than Tru. And to me, what they introduced was much less heavy-handed than I suspected it would be from last week. Perhaps I just trust that they are going to do a better job than I trust the people behind Tru Calling.
Personal issues,
When they pull out the wind machine to let me know this is the bad guy, I get jumpy. JoA has some great stuff (Punk God being 'way up there, along with Surfer Nun.) I think they can lose the whole of Joan's family, though, even if all those actors have knocked it out of the park.
I think they need to lose the
wind machine,
particularly since we
know that Ryan is human. Custodian!God said so.
And since
Ryan is human, I think this could turn out to be really good. This cast has made a season's worth of sub-par (if season 1 could be considered par) writing, worth watching. It would be most interesting I think, if they went very subtle with it, next season--so that it wasn't so much a battle against Ryan, as Joan battling to bring him back.
Also? The Kevin and
Lily dynamic is great, too. I was crying, last night.
I still want to shove
in a locker, the little asshat.
I was in the middle of my JoA tape and forgot about
Little House on the Prarie.
Fucking hell.
Now I'm watching the second half of LHotP. I take it that
the government has told them to get off the land
Kevin and SurferNun!Lilly should totally hook up. They could move in to together. We could see them at Thanksgiving. Or maybe they could be sailing that boat. At Christmas.
my boy Rove is on the cusp. I'll separate my love of how the actor has played him, somehow, from the influence of Ryan/the script. If Joan will be battling Ryan for Rove's immortality, I am not on board.
If Joan is trying to pull Ryan over, via Rove ... I can get into that.
Little House on the Prarie. Fucking hell.
Is my time machine out of fuel, again? Frell!
I believe that is what happened in the book.
Also, I agree about the
wind machine
but love
Joan's family
and can't believe that
Rove would just be there, as a regular part of the group so
quickly. I am also pleased that
"the adversary" is just another human who has chosen to not listen to god.
Gah, now I am confuzzled. Ryan is
and Rove is
, right? Otherwise, elsewise.