My TiVo did a scary thing a couple days ago, where it was refusing to delete anything. I rebooted, it repented, and we're still an item.
So now I can catch up on my Kojak without worries of having to commit.
eta: What are the key components of Kojak? Botht he show and the character? Ving's bald and sucks on the lollipop. What else do they need to do to make it more than just lifting three things?
There's the whole "Who loves you, baby?" charisma thing.
You know, I never thought of Savalas!Kojak as charismatic. But I was wee then, and prone to crushing on motorcycle cops and guys who drove cars that talked. Okay, just warming up for the talking car.
So far Ving is charismatic, if we can characterise charisma as having a large component of "I could be killing you, but I'm not -- aren't I nice?"
Savalas!Kojak as charismatic
Watching it as a teenager? Loads of charisma. It's the bald head, it's hypnotizing. I won't even tell you of the fantasies involved with bald heads.
Find out what it takes to pulverize the earth.
Too bad, there aren't any cool visuals.
Yes, TBJ is Trial by Jury. I liked it at first, but really like Numb3rs better. I need my tv life less rather than more complicated.
What did you think of JoA, last night? I hope the series gets at least another season. *
I want to see how this plays out.
Me, too, Cindy! I'm dyin' to know. (okay, not really dying, but you get the idea)
Cindy -- that's exactly how I felt! They really set up something good for next season. . . if it happens. Oh, and when she was talking to (I think)
Ghost!Judith at the high school and she (the ghost) walks through the trophy case and Joan winds up talking to the Trophy Case, I immediately thought about Elizabeth Madison (Amy's Mom).
My VCR decided not to tape "Joan of Arcadia" last night. I suspect that it is in league with the devil.