I'm still having my small issues with Numb3rs. But other than those issues, I'm enjoying it. Like, both Charlie and What'shisnameDragonSlayer have the formula for figuring radiation dispersal in a city with wind factors just in their heads? But whatever. It's math, presented positively! So I'm in favor.
I'm also v. tipsy. Went to the dancing place. Danced in place (i.e., not on the dance floor -- no moving my feet), but didn't exactly dance. Still, there was drinking and chatting and people I don't normally see.
And the ex-roommate whose girlfriend moved in, irritated the hell out of me, and then dumped her cat* on me? Still dating the girlfriend. I don't get it. He used to go through them in about six months. It's been two and a half years. It's absurd and irritating that she should be the keeper. Argh.
* I totally love this cat and thank fortune that she's mine. That doesn't change the fact that her former owner dumped her.