Oh, he was so very horrible and manipulative. His family needed the intervention more than he did!
Some of the addicts I feel very sorry for, and cross my fingers that they end up making it to sobriety, because it's clear there's a decent person in there somewhere. But others like Gabe, the addiction is in some ways the least of their problems. Actually, of the addicts they've had on the program so far, the gambling addicts seem to resist the most, I guess because a psychological addiction would have to be all the stronger by itself.
(The shopping addict also has a bunch of emotional problems -- it was interesting that she could overcome her agoraphobia by whipping herself into a frenzy of buying and squeeing and feeling fabulous -- only to crash later and then be unable to go a couple blocks from home. I hope she got some effective help.)
Aimee, you've got either a misspelling or a joke I don't get in your tagline.
Last Friday, I had a full skirt on. I was walking to the train station when a vengeful gust of wind decided that my ass was something downtown LA needed to say. And, it is misspelled. Thanks.
Oh, he was so very horrible and manipulative. His family needed the intervention more than he did!
No kidding. When he said it was "a parent's responsibility" to do everything and anything to help their children, for the remainder of that child's life, MM and I looked at each other and said, "Uh...no."
Salon article on Intervention: [link]
Ok, I'm hopeless.
Because it's not a good thing for your complex to be on The Wire, but I'm all jealous.
Maybe I quit therapy too fast.
Because it's not a good thing for your complex to be on The Wire, but I'm all jealous.
It was pretty funny. It's not that rough a neighborhood, so I guess the day-rents were just good. It was all an interior shoot from what I could see. Probably a dealer's apt. My neighbors and I hung outside and gawked and made disparaging comments about what it meant about us. We were all dressed all trashed out and mused about which of us would make the most effective junkie. I was deemed "too healthy looking" even with zit cream on my face and a ratty tshirt and shorts.
JoA: Wow -- excellent teaser. I liked how it kind of
echoed the pilot
and then the whole
Judith thing --
particularly her
showing herself to Joan's mother.
My boyfriend is trying to torture me by playing "Come Sail Away" on the guitar and singing with great emotion.
Ah, he's stopped now. Not even he could get through the whole thing. Thank God.
Ah, Robin, I don't think I'll ever think of your BF the same way again.
But I like "Come Sail Away," especially the live version, where the audience sings the entire opening, up to the part where the song rocks out. But then, I'm a big Styx fan, overall.
t /early-80s arena rock fan
Kathy, I totally would have been enthralled by Giles singing