She's writing up her experience in getting rejected for the internship she really wanted for the paper that gave her an internship? That's weird.
Yeah. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.
Not only that, she's writing up her experience in getting rejected for the internship she really wanted for the paper that did give her an internship, but she's putting all out on lj publically, first.
All Buffistas, remember, when your work gets rejected or your lover leaves you or life feels like a dead end-- you can comfort yourself with this one glowing beacon of goodness "Hey, at least I'm not that Krystal Grow chick."
she's putting all out on lj publically
That's not LJ. That's the paper where she's interned.
Never had a "disco phase."
This one made me laugh and laugh.
Krystal Grow doesn't even sound like a real name.
This is what $750,000 will buy near me.
I'm sure it's a really nice condo, but ...
Yeah, we're going to rent forever.
Also, the happiest of birthdays to Betsy.
All Buffistas, remeber, when your work gets rejected or your lover leaves you or life feels like a dead end-- you can comfort yourself with this one glowing beaacon of goodness "Hey, at least I"m not that Krystal Grow chick."
It should be a verb. "Gosh, he sure Krystal Growed his career, huh?"
That's not LJ. That's the paper where she's interned.
Oh, thanks ita. I must have conflated Allyson's lj with it.
Are we sure this is real? Because honestly, it sounds like someone licking wounds in LJ next to an icon of a fairy riding a unicorn.
I feel compelled to go buy jewelry from so I can always have a tampon around.