Girl's been whacked over the head with a nail-studded clue-by-four, and she STILL doesn't get it?
You mean his only job isn't writing small reviews and patting intern wannabees on the hand? He might actually be doing some reviews to pick up slack, have a job in the editorial department, and be coordinating interns because it's part of his department and someone higher up said "Who can we get to deal with the whiney, entitled kids? I know! Bob! He was going to go on vacation, so it's not like he's busy!"?
Lastly, and most importantly, his reasons for rejecting my application were the font I used in my resume and cover letter headings, and that I didn't show a "passion for SPIN magazine."
So I used an interesting typestyle. I thought it was creative and would make my application stand out. Apparently, it made me seem "less serious."
I'm wondering about what font she used now. Something unicornesque, I expect.
Happy Birthday, Betsy! I hope it's absolutely pain free and indulgence full.
I'm in the mood to write to her
Please please please write her. I'm in the mood to write her myself, but I know you would do a much better job at it. Oh, pretty please?? I'll give you a tampon.
I can totally see a Krystal doing the finger quotes for "less serious" and "passion for SPIN magazine" while telling the story to her friends. It's making me smile.
To me, Krystal=tiny hamburger. I keep picturing a tiny, cartoon hamburger whining about not getting the internship.
So why haven't you taken a pricey apartment and invited us all to come along with you?
I'm terribly thoughtless? Not sure how I'll balance 30 jobs in two states and two provinces, but at least the F2F opportunities will be considerable.
She's writing up her experience in getting rejected for the internship she really wanted for the paper that gave her an internship?
And ensuring, if her original application antics hadn't, that she'll never work for SPIN as long as she lives.
I'm in the mood to write to her, but I'd like to paste that up in my LJ for further mockery, first.
It just begs for the mocking, doesn't it?
She's writing up her experience in getting rejected for the internship she really wanted for the paper that gave her an internship? That's weird.
Yeah. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.
I mean, there's a very good reason I whined about not finaling in the writers contest on Bitches rather than, say, a board where I knew all the judges for that contest were likely to hang out.
And ensuring, if her original application antics hadn't, that she'll never work for SPIN as long as she lives.
Well, why not? After all, her passion for SPIN is waning.
Krystal Grow?
Maybe she should have applied for the internship at Penthouse.