My parents have gone the no grass route with their yard. There was a small plot of lawn when they moved in, which they let become a meadow and eventually planted herbs at the end of. Chamomile and creeping thyme make good groundcover that you can walk on, not sure about lying down. They've got a deck in the back. They're big on landscaping with native plants, but also grow things to eat which are not native and require more water, but they do drip irrigation to lower their water needs.
I also have friends who basically paved over their backyard entirely (around the deck and shed, anyway) and garden in containers. Weeding is minimal, that's for sure.
I have insidiously planted mint in our backyward so it will spread over the yard after we move out. The landlord will just mow it, like he does the rest of teh weeds that make up the lawn, but at least it will smell nice when he does.
Someone at work sent me this very cool wallpaper site. If your desktop is bare, this is the place to go:
- t! I want this one just across the river in Algiers Point. [link]
Aww. Our baby panda's all grown up. Still dead, though, from the looks of it.
t /nostalgia
That's a cute place, Heather. Just a little bit out of my price range, but you buy it and I'll visit!
Excellet Eric Alterman editorial in
The Nation
about the Bush administration's relationship to the press.
Bush's War on the Press
Make no mistake: The Bush Administration and its ideological allies are employing every means available to undermine journalists' ability to exercise their First Amendment function to hold power accountable. In fact, the Administration recognizes no such constitutional role for the press. White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card has insisted that the media "don't represent the public any more than other people do.... I don't believe you have a check-and-balance function."
Lot's o' facts....
I've never had much urge to own a house. I keep thinking I will develop one, but not so much so far.
None of the traffic or security delays I was afraid of actually happened, so now I have over two hours to kill at the the airport.
So I think people should tell me either something that made them happy today, or something ridiculous they's like to see, like an octupus bowling.
Thank you very, very much for the birthday wishes, everybody.
In unrelated news, here is a young lady who needs to get over herself, fast.
I first stumbled upon the internship opportunity on SPIN's Web site, and decided to take a shot at it. The application required a cover letter and resume, and three to five clips of published work. Three to five? I had at least six in my portfolio from my time here at the Transcript and with MCLA's paper, the Beacon. Along with camera-room experience and graphic arts certification, I assumed I was a shoo-in and started looking for apartments in the East Village in my spare time.
I told my friends I was moving to New York for the summer, and told them they should all come along, thinking they would all say something like, "Wow Krystal, I would, but I just can't right now, you know, work and all." To my chagrin, they all said yes. My friend Amy is moving in a few weeks, and I found her a job at a hip vintage store in the East Village. At least it worked out for someone.
So. She APPLIED for an internship and assumed she'd gotten it.