Thank you very, very much for the birthday wishes, everybody.
In unrelated news, here is a young lady who needs to get over herself, fast.
I first stumbled upon the internship opportunity on SPIN's Web site, and decided to take a shot at it. The application required a cover letter and resume, and three to five clips of published work. Three to five? I had at least six in my portfolio from my time here at the Transcript and with MCLA's paper, the Beacon. Along with camera-room experience and graphic arts certification, I assumed I was a shoo-in and started looking for apartments in the East Village in my spare time.
I told my friends I was moving to New York for the summer, and told them they should all come along, thinking they would all say something like, "Wow Krystal, I would, but I just can't right now, you know, work and all." To my chagrin, they all said yes. My friend Amy is moving in a few weeks, and I found her a job at a hip vintage store in the East Village. At least it worked out for someone.
So. She APPLIED for an internship and assumed she'd gotten it.
She APPLIED for an internship and assumed she'd gotten it.
Is it wrong of me to hope the universe slaps her down, and hard?
She APPLIED for an internship and assumed she'd gotten it
Because, of course, she is surely the only applicant with enough clips in her portfolio.
I have a box of 5000 clips in my desk drawer.
The true problem is, her name is Krystal with a K.
(Apologies to all lurkers so named. But really, people - if you want to work for SPIN, pick a cooler name.)
I have a condo because I want to live downtown (after years of living in a nice 3 bedroom house in the burbs as an espoused person) and even small houses less than an hour away are two or three times what I can afford. So I have a very small place very close to work. As time goes by, I will get a bigger place when I can afford it, or if my circumstances change.
Happy Birthday, Betsy!
She APPLIED for an internship and assumed she'd gotten it.
Hmmmm. If the application-to-acceptance thing worked like that, I'd have about 30 new jobs right now.
Happy Birthday Betsy!
May you be poor in misfortune,
Rich in blessings,
Slow to make enemies,
And quick to make friends.
But rich or poor, quick or slow,
May you know nothing but happiness
From this day forward.