I dreampt that my teeth kept falling out. I kept trying to push them back in but they wouldn't stay. I was pretty devastated about it and couldn't get anybody to take me seriously enough to help me.
I've had many dreams about losing my teeth. But I only loose about four or five, max.
What does it mean?!?!?!?
Anyone else here who spends a lot of time on Yahoo Groups? Isn't the new look horrible? I'm to the point of switching all the groups I actually read regularly to email instead of reading them on the website, despite how much that'll clutter my inbox, because the new look is so completely counterintuitive. I especially hate that the newest messages are now at the top of the list rather than the end, since it makes it harder to catch up on a conversation, and annoying as all hell if you're going back and reading archived stuff because it's all backwards.
I've had many dreams about losing my teeth
I've often dreamt that I bite down on something and all my teeth crunch into little crunchy pieces in my mouth. I hate that dream because the feeling of your teeth crunching in your mouth is a bad one.
I've had many dreams about losing my teeth. But I only loose about four or five, max.
What does it mean?!?!?!?
this is what I want to know too!
From CNN:
A representative of the parents of Terri Schiavo said Sunday last-ditch appeals will be made in Washington to get the brain-damaged woman's feeding tube reinserted. After a news conference announcing the plan, a woman, saying she was from the Revolutionary Communist Youth Brigades, grabbed the microphone to say Terri Schiavo shoud be allowed to die in peace.
And I was just thinking to myself: Where are the Revolutionary Communist Youth Brigades when we need them most?
[link] eta: That link goes to the CNN home page. Store is here: [link]
Hmmm... the chick from the Revolutionary Communist Youth Brigades is kinda cute....
eta: OK, this cracked me up - the caption to the picture for the CNN story says
Both sides of the Terri Schiavo debate grabbed the microphone Sunday.
Ummm... so the two sides to the Terri Schiavo debate are the "Culture of Life" position and the Revolutionary Communist position?
Dude, "Robot Chicken" just made me laugh so hard that I think I broke some internal organs.
Huh. I missed it. But theoretically it's sitting on my TiVo.
I have had a lovely day. I had cake, and brunch, and dinner at CPK, and I hung out with cool people and I had a nap. I wish I could just go to sleep again right now, but unfortunately this silly homework thing is just bringing me down. Also, I should probably shower off the random bits of sand and sunscreen that are still stuck to me, but the sunburn I have makes me feel like that would kind of suck.
I am glowing red right now, though. So sunburned.
Alibelle, JZ and I were talking about you last night as we drove home because she was listening to Prairie Home Companion and a running joke on that show are little bumpers and jingles for the Ketchup Advisory Board.