What trauma could possibly inspire someone to want me to say this
we are interested in determining if [University] has fully advantaged themselves of this new functionality.
in a proposal? Why would you do that to a client? Why would you do that to me??
Ha! Jess, I just noticed your tag -- that's my favorite line! Hee.
I can see my building and street and my car from the sat photo! It's really cool!
I'm sick, though -- I really want it to be RT.
That's worse than "status" as a verb. What is with people?
::shuns lori::
WHAT. EV. See if I explain "pep" to you again.
we are interested in determining if [University] has fully advantaged themselves of this new functionality.
Oh look, something written by any of the PMs or Marketing people I deal with.
Why would you do that to a client? Why would you do that to me??
Because they're evil. And possibly really, really dumb.
Even if it's not your information? What difference does it make to you if a stranger sees an aerial shot of my house?
It's not the picture, it's the sharing of real life home addresses that concerns me. Generally when folks put really personally identifiable information on here, or in press, they delete it soon afterwards. Maybe I'm overly cautious by nature. But everybody's free to use their own discretion.
This sounds like a quality project, doesn't it:
Paris Hilton and Jason Mewes are toplining the indie comedy "Bottoms Up" for Paul Walker's Blue Collar Films and Cameo FJ Entertainment. Described as in the vein of "Swingers,"
lori, you're a very nice person, but the Zoom thing is huge. I don't know if
big enough to get past it.
that sounds like a train wreck.
ita, you have lots of issues. ZOOM ZOOM!
Generally when folks put really personally identifiable information on here, or in press, they delete it soon afterwards. Maybe I'm overly cautious by nature. But everybody's free to use their own discretion.
Wolfram should never read my livejournal. My journal name is just my full name. I'm all lalalalalala-internet-stalkers-come-kill-me!
Actually, it's more of a philosophical thing. I believe internet anonymity to be illusory at best, and that the only real solution is to be perfectly open about who you are, and to stand by what you say.
Frankly, I don't see how posting my address on the internet is any different from filling out a form or saying it out loud in public (giving it to a visitor over the phone, or telling the mechanic, etc), and even if I'm not the person posting it, it does exist on the internet in any number of databases whose security is also illusory.
Stalker threats are overblown anyway.
Which is not to be all Wolfram's a doo-doo head or anything, I just felt the need to wax on about my bizarre personal internt philosphies.