On the closest zoom, I can see buildings, but that's it.
Well, I have the advantage of living right across from a football stadium for easy identification. But I was able to find my parents house when I was in high school without remembering the address. I found my high school, then just moved East until I found the right neighborhood on our fresh water canal. Helps to have big landmarks to work with.
Helps to have big landmarks to work with.
Well, sure -- I mean, I could find my building just based off the (elevated) subway stop, assuming I remembered that my building actually is on the corner, which doesn't stick in my head. It probably also helps when there is more space between structures.
There is no Dana, only zoom.
Hello, all. I have been all good and worky and now my head hurts and I am only still 1/2 way caught up. WTF?!
Why does work not do itself? I think we need to get cracking on those labor-saving robots.
You did notice you can zoom in on the picture, right?
I zoomed in as far as possible. I can identify my street and things like the park near my parents' house, but I can't really see individual buildings.
The women in my building (at work) are pretty much trained to grab paper towels before entering any stall. I don't find our bathrooms that nasty, but they apparently were really bad at one time and the long time employees are all emotionally scarred.
Wow. Superspy fun! Also, nice picture.
It won't let me zoom that close for my house. Feh.
Mapquest used to let you do similar, but they stopped a couple of years ago.
My building is somewhere in here, but I can't pick it out because the streets all look alike.
When I put in my address, it had a funny shaped red pointer thingie that pointed right to my house. Well, actually, it pointed to my nextdoor neighbor's house, but that's common with internet maps. The town, and the previous owners of our house finagled a piece of our lot onto the next, years after ours was built, to give the people nextdoor enough frontage to build.
I was able to find Deb's house just by dragging and having a general idea where the streets go. Her place is visibly green and set back from the street (which is uncommon in SF).