Once again I must advocate for squat toilets. Seriously--given the choice between sitting on a public toilet seat and squatting over a hole in the floor, I'd take the latter any day.
I think they're easy enough for me to use, but when people miss (and, lo, they did) it's so much worse.
Actually, worst was someone who'd evidently come from a long tradition of squat toilets, and was faced with a strange "conventional" one. Dump missed the bowl entirely, and just sat there on the seat.
Dude! It's the bar!
I can also see my mom's house with my stepdad's truck in the driveway.
I'll take your word on the statistics, but from my personal experience that would have to mean that women's restrooms actually use feces as a construction material and just hollow out depressions in piles of it for patrons' use.
The irony is that this is probabally because said malefactor is trying to avoid any contact with the seat, but won't clean up his own mess.
but when people miss (and, lo, they did) it's so much worse.
To look at, yes, but since using a squat toilet doesn't involve touching anything, they're much more sanitary. (Unless, like me, you can't use them without falling over backwards, in which case they're narsty and a little bit dangerous.)
I'll take your word on the statistics, but from my personal experience that would have to mean that women's restrooms actually use feces as a construction material and just hollow out depressions in piles of it for patrons' use.
Some, yeah, but that doesn't account for the feminine hygiene folk art.
Hey, how 'bout them kittens and puppies?
Blood is the nexy bodily fluid to discuss. go.
To look at, yes, but since using a squat toilet doesn't involve touching anything, they're much more sanitary
Don't shit where my feet go. It's a rule of mine.
Blood is the nexy bodily fluid to discuss. go.
That's exactly where I was about to go in arguing for the greater nastiness of women's restrooms! Perfecto!
honestly people. the weather. anything not ew.
Blood is the nexy bodily fluid to discuss. go.
If the hotel comforter has blood stains, I suggest switching hotels.