I wonder if the Puppy Channel is by the guy profiled on TAL who was trying to get one started.
Emmett's nose cast is sitting on my computer. Emmett is in school. He is clear to play baseball by next Monday (though I'll insist he only play catcher with face-mask, and outfield - where few kids can hit it in the air - for the first game.)
Airplane sex, eh? Never did that. Never could even figure out
you did that despite it being chronicled in
Xaviera Goes Wild - The Happy Hooker Goes Around The World In Eighty Ways.
I guess I can see the bathroom upright approach, but those bathrooms are teeny.
I think the question is more pointedly -- have you ever not had sex in a hotel?
Many, many times. Is there a club I can join?
I wonder if the Puppy Channel is by the guy profiled on TAL who was trying to get one started.
According to the article, it is, and he's still looking for funding.
I'm not having sex in a hotel
right now!!!
I wonder if the Puppy Channel is by the guy profiled on TAL who was trying to get one started.
It is, the story I linked to talks about that.
Huh. My city is merely the grid/map, not satellite photos. Which I think I'm cool with
To the upper right of the map there's a link to click for the sattellite photos.
I am not germphobic at all. Well, a little antsy around sick babies - then I'll do some OCD handwashing, but that's by hard experience. But generalized hotel stuff? Nah. I'm a strong believer in keeping my immune system strong by fending off constant assaults by Warg Riders bacteria.
I cleaned hotel rooms when I was younger. The sheets are fine. It's the comforter you really want to not touch your bare skin. IJS.
Amen. I've been stupefied that several guys I've hooked up with were completely unaware of the ookiness of hotel bedspreads. The looks on their faces when I tell them "odds are someone's changed a diaper on that comforter since it was last cleaned" are priceless.
Heh. You know you're a parent when "changed a diaper on this bed" doesn't bother you but "somebody had sex on this bedspread" does. Even though you know which one is more likely to be infectious.
I guess I can see the bathroom upright approach, but those bathrooms are teeny.
I think that's the point, Hec. Once you have two people in one of those airplane bathrooms, the two of you are definitely have sex, whether you wanted and intended to or not.
To the upper right of the map there's a link to click for the sattellite photos.
D'oh! Well, they're still not at the super-zoom level. I'm still cool with that. I can see the lakes I run around, though! Yay lakes.