I can just be that aunt, can't I? The one that gives krav stuff?
I think that it would make your presents more special, in the sense that this little girl will never get a Jamaican/krav-logo-ed anything from anybody else. Anything else, she probably either already has it, or will get it as soon as some other grown-up will come up with the idea. It will just have to be a shiny making-3-years-old-happy kind of Jamaican/krav-logo-ed present.
I can just be that aunt, can't I?
Yes, you can.
There are also wooden blocks, of which you can never have too many.
They are my favorite 2 or 3 year old gift.
Krav stuff should be made to last, right?
Also, I am having a delightful lunch -- pepperoni, cheddar, grapes, and vanilla diet coke. mmmm.
Yes, but she was a loser.
OMG, ita is so judgemental.
online shop for the gift. uncommongoods, lillian vernon
In Hebrew there's a slang expression called "teaspoon state" to describe just that.
I LOVE this phrase. In high school we called it "Denny's Time", since most of our teaspoon states occured in that 24-hour eatery known as Denny's, but teaspoon state is just so much better.
Krav stuff should be made to last, right?
And nothing, but nothing, is cuter than wee boxing gloves. (Except for Casper and all other Buffista babies.)
online shop for the gift
Yeah, I leave Friday, though. And I'll be at the krav centre three times between now and then ... yeah, I'm that aunt.
In Hebrew there's a slang expression called "teaspoon state" to describe just that. It's when the sight of a teaspoon or the pronunciation of the word are considered hillarious. Usually it involves late hours of the night and the like, of course.
I LOVE this phrase. In high school we called it "Denny's Time", since most of our teaspoon states occured in that 24-hour eatery known as Denny's, but teaspoon state is just so much better.
In those post college years my friends and I were hanging out in Denny's and the like, we referred to this state as "Stop-sign syndrome."
Had I the ability, I'd go on Cafe Press and make up fake college garb for "Teaspoon State" and we could all wear it and giggle.
why won't these letters fold themselves?
I am distracted and so not wanting to work.