In Hebrew there's a slang expression called "teaspoon state" to describe just that. It's when the sight of a teaspoon or the pronunciation of the word are considered hillarious. Usually it involves late hours of the night and the like, of course.
I LOVE this phrase. In high school we called it "Denny's Time", since most of our teaspoon states occured in that 24-hour eatery known as Denny's, but teaspoon state is just so much better.
In those post college years my friends and I were hanging out in Denny's and the like, we referred to this state as "Stop-sign syndrome."
Had I the ability, I'd go on Cafe Press and make up fake college garb for "Teaspoon State" and we could all wear it and giggle.
why won't these letters fold themselves?
I am distracted and so not wanting to work.
The weather is gorgeous. The rest of today blows like the answer in the wind, my friends, but the sunshine, she is gorgeous.
I'm eavesdropping in on the COBRA conversation, since my husband is about a hair's length away from quitting his job in disgust.
Seriously? Wow. I mean, I guess I'm a masochist. Okay, I know I'm a masochist, and also avoidant, not to mention that I hate interviewing for jobs.
why won't these letters fold themselves?
They're taking after the cats that won't stack themselves?
Seriously? Wow. I mean, I guess I'm a masochist. Okay, I know I'm a masochist, and also avoidant, not to mention that I hate interviewing for jobs.
Yeah, I just e-mailed you with the full story.
I think I do okay with personal stress. I mean, during the days of my Idiot Coworker, I tormented the entire board with tales of her idiocy, but I only cried in my boss' office once, and I never actually threatened ICW personally. But I'm so bad with other people's stress. My husband's deeply unhappy with his job and my parents are worried about the family dog, who may be very ill, and it drives me insane.
A co-worker just told me about Mile High Altanta.
That's totally cheating, isn't it?
Poor you, Dana. Second-hand stress is terrible, because there's so little you can do about it. Good luck to y'all.
you get to keep your sheets as a souvenir of this special event.
This disturbs me. I'm not sure why.
I just gave in and went to a box store and bought oodles of boxes that will be delivered this afternoon.
I also think I am coming down with a cold.
eta: I think it is totally cheating, ita.