given that much of his very-religious-right base considers the Pope a Very Bad Thing.
I was under the impression that the current bigwig Cardinals had been courting the American religious right for some time now.
Charles and Camilla are having a civil ceremony and a church wedding, kind of.
The Beeb explains:
Prince Charles and Mrs Parker Bowles plan to marry in a civil ceremony at Windsor's Guildhall, followed by a church blessing in St George's Chapel at Windsor Castle, which the Queen will attend.
I am really encouraged by the visible separation of civil marriage from church ceremonies -- I really wish that would take off more here.
I think that sort of seperation is fairly typical in places that are not here.
The UK rules are incredibly strict -- civil ceremonies can't mention God at all, period, no exceptions for the bride's favorite poem or the groom's heretically named pet dog, NONE. So having a religious ceremony separate from the actual marriage is pretty common, at least among my survey sample of two couples I know.
I've definitely heard of it more in Latin America. I just feel like all the arguments against same-sex marriage are religious ones, but no one's saying a given church would be forced to bless them!
In her easter dress with mr flea in his goatee
How can she be so pretty and cause so much havoc?
Mr. Flea should audition for the role of Cardinal Richilieu. Or perhaps Aramis. (But not the cologne.)
Chez Zmayhem is eating mac and cheese tonight. Emmett's is straight up. JZ gets extra lashings of cheddar and reggiano on top. I get fried ham and pepper with my mac and cheese.
Doctor appointment tomorrow and Emmett gets his cast off. Except, it fell off this morning and has had to be re-taped on at least 4 times.
We're keeping the cast and putting it in a shadowbox.
I feel the need to say "Yay Tarheels" before I go to bed. If I was a cool kid, I'd do it in blue, but it's way past my bedtime, so this will have to do.
Alibelle, when you get back from dance class, will you call me, or ping me if I am back on AIM by then?
Aw, Reggie Miller and Jon Stewart were so cute together.
Mmmm....mac and cheese....
No! I need to go to bed, not the stove!