What I can't figure is that Bush is making a big "Go Pope! Choose Pope!" public statement, given that much of his very-religious-right base considers the Pope a Very Bad Thing.
Not really. There are more evangelicals than there are fundamentalists, and I've even seen quotes (nice ones) from Southern Baptists about the Pope, wrt not only to reproductive issues (which would be their obvious bond) but evangelism, and ecumenism.
Also, Jeb's Catholic. (Converted for love.
t /Wonderfalls
You know, I'm starting to hate Summerland. Or more specifically, hate
Some of the rest is just getting boring.
I have nothing to say except my kid is cuter than the Pope, Charles and Camilla, baseball, or your cat:
On the fainting couch we didn't buy [link]
Here she is stealing cheese [link]
In her easter dress with mr flea in his goatee [link]
That is the cutest little flea I ever did see! Awwwww.
if the flu hadn't killed me the flealet would have
I skipped a bunch because I don't care about baseball or Sesame Street.
Jesse is making me giggle.
Apparently we're talking about Charles and Camilla.
I just trimmed my nails really short, and now my fingers feel funny as I type.
Cutehead Casper.
t pokes Alibelle so as to provoke further giggling
Wee purple tighted cutie.
I wish I'd taken my camera babysitting. The kid tries to use the dogs and cats as seats. The dogs (70+lbs) just are bemused and stay put. One cat squawks and doesn't move and the other flees...and then tries to climb into kid's lap. It is funny.