Wee purple tighted cutie.
I wish I'd taken my camera babysitting. The kid tries to use the dogs and cats as seats. The dogs (70+lbs) just are bemused and stay put. One cat squawks and doesn't move and the other flees...and then tries to climb into kid's lap. It is funny.
pokes Alibelle so as to provoke further giggling
I am not Elmo!
t /offended
Cutiehead Casper.
Of course, what I'm really here to say is.....
Woohoo! M's win! M's win! Which means we'll spend at least one day not in last place in the West! Woooooooooohoooooo! Granted, all of the work on offense and much of the defense came from the same three people (Ichiro, Beltre, and Sexson), but they
supposed to be the best hitters on the team. But I'll feel better when they're not the
players with hits.
So, my mother was babysitting the other night, and got locked in the bathroom with the two kids! For an hour and a half! It all sounded pretty funny -- they were playing hide and seek to amuse themselves, and one of the kids hid behind my mother (she was the looker). Har.
Goodness. The littlest flea is a cutie cutehead.
I had a crappy headache for most of the day, but I just had a ham and cheese sandwich, some Excedrin, and some Coke with Lime, and I'm feeling human again. Just in time for dance class. Yay!
Yay Alibelle! Have fun in class.
Thanks, Perkins! I plan on it. How are you?
Other trivial things about me: I just ran out of deodorant this morning, and when I went shopping this afternoon I had to buy a different type, and now I keep catching the scent, and getting confused about whom I'm smelling. It's kind of funny. In an annoying way. But anyway, now you're all updated on my nails, my headache, and my deodorant. Am I forgetting anything else you were all desperately wanting to know?
I'm doing well, though getting disgusted at the amount of crap I own.
Wee flea is a LETHAL CUTENESS BOMB! And I wouldn't have recognized Mr. flea had you not properly labelled him as such, because the last time I saw him he was goatee-free and had longer hair.
Um, I can't believe that you're watching Summerland.
It was okay, when there was nothing else on tv.
But tonight: 24!!!