Actually, I think they make nice face-to-face and then roll their eyes forever and make little "What. Ev." handsigns behind each other's backs.
"Did you
that hat she was wearing? Like, it wasn't even a miter. And she calls herself the head of a church!"
Charles and Camilla aren't having a big to-do, are they? I think it would just look a little tacky -- "WOO HOO! I mean, we're terribly sad about the Pope, but... WOO! WEDDED BLISS AND SHIT!!"
I was really old before I learned how to pronounce Eton. One of those things that was in books, but nsm conversation.
I was really old before I learned how to pronounce Eton.
It was the silent "qhx" dipthong that always messed me up on that word.
I thought it was Eh-ton. I knew the Brits pronounced things funny -- sinjin and Beauchamp and whatnot.
I was really old before I learned how to pronounce Eton. One of those things that was in books, but nsm conversation.
I learned the pronunciation from
Withnail and I.
I don't know what I was watching, but apparently Charles & Camilla are actually going to the Town Hall (can't do it at the church, and were they to do it at the estate, then every old Tom, Dick & Harry could by virtue of it being licensed) where they will sit in some tiny little clerk's office. And the Queen said she will not attend because she is head of the church.
From my understanding the Archbishop of Canterbury and Tony Blair are both supposed to go the wedding and have to go to the funeral.
From my understanding the Archbishop of Canterbury and Tony Blair are both supposed to go the wedding and have to go to the funeral.
A-ha! This is what happens when you're fancy -- your no-big-deal town hall wedding includes people like that.
What I can't figure is that Bush is making a big "Go Pope! Choose Pope!" public statement, given that much of his very-religious-right base considers the Pope a Very Bad Thing.
Not really. There are more evangelicals than there are fundamentalists, and I've even seen quotes (nice ones) from Southern Baptists about the Pope, wrt not only to reproductive issues (which would be their obvious bond) but evangelism, and ecumenism.