The article said that some Canadian would point that out.
Yep, and it proceeded to call the website "official" anyway. The National Post doesn't speak for me.
Looks like they've got us over the barrell on this one...
Also? Can spell barrel.
Perhaps someone should mention Canadian oil fields to Bush?
Lalala, world's largest undefended border.
Also, wasn't Elmo's pelt turned into a Willow outfit?
Although I suppose that wasn't his fault.
Perhaps someone should mention Canadian oil fields to Bush?
Canada actually has a shitload of oil, but it's all locked up in shale (or some other rock) so it's expensive to get the oil out, as well as environmentally damaging.
Elmo is the Spike of Sesame Street. Adorable and very popular minor player who was promoted to WAY THE FUCK TOO MUCH SCREEN TIME, and has started sucking ever since.
Most of the adults I know hate Elmo. The ones that don't do so mainly because their kids love him, and he shuts them up.
tommy, were you thinking of the Athabasca Tar Sands?
At the same time, I've always been a fan of "Kids will learn to talk like adults best if they're exposed to people talking like adults".
Research says that's not true. Baby talk is actually easier to learn for babies, and its characteristics (which consonants are dropped, that sort of thing) are consistent across cultures.
Oh, and what happened to Big Bird? It must be that he or she got too busy to hang out with the gang on Sesame Street once he/she/it started attending Jedi Academy.
Elmo rules in my house.
Not because of the show, but because the 'ticklemeelmo' balls I pick up at yard sales are Bartleby's favorite toys EVAH.
I have to say, watching him run around with his snoot vibrating and hearing that tinny little voice squeal "Wheee! This is FUN!!" cracks my shit all the way up.
Gosh. I hope his language skills won't be stunted.
There's no mystery as to why I find the same toy at every yard sale. A kid playing with it? Insanity inducing. The dog? Eh. Whatever.
In FACT. If any 'ista parents would like to tell their kids that Elmo has gone to a farm in the country, I'd be happy to pay postage on the little red wigglers. Profile addy is good...and it will be our little secret.