I remember the theme song: "It is I, Captain Vegetable, with my carrots and my celery..."
My name is Andy / I like candy / I eat it / whenever I can / If it's handy / give me some candy / it tastes so sweet / the perfect treat / I eat it til there's nothing on the plate / but wait!
(Yes, for some reason, I can sing the entire Captain Vegetable song from memory.)
wedding gifts:
I love the plain C&B glass pitchers, and glass bowls.
Heh. And Jessica comes through with the verse.
(My name is Eddie / I eat spaghetti...)
Oy. Well and thoroughly earwormed now.
DH and I recieved a TON of glass bowls for our wedding, and we returned each and every one of them for store credit.
DH and I recieved a TON of glass bowls for our wedding, and we returned each and every one of them for store credit.
That's a thing, too -- if you're not 100% sure of their taste/what they need, go for a place like C&B where they can always return the thing.
But he will learn that, as one of the show's new nutrition-oriented songs puts it, "A cookie is a sometime food."
Is this really the lesson we want to teach our children?
Not mine. Both of whom are outraged by Cookie Monster's treason.
Yeesh. Educational television at its nannyish worst.
Is this really the lesson we want to teach our children?
Well, as long as they don't start maligning chocolate cake, I think civilisation will stand.
God, I want a chocolate cupcake. And cookies, and a chai latte.
Instead, I will have English Breakfast tea.
And cry inside.
There's no kid on the planet that thinks you can eat cookies all the time because Cookie does. Lots of us wished we could, though.
Doesn't wish-fulfillment mean anything anymore?(except to Nikita Fic Lady, I mean)