I'm not as intolerant of Pope coverage, as love him or hate him the guy was fairly relevant to about 80 million Americans and a billion people worldwide. For once, there's a good reason for the news overkill.
A nice set of hand towels and matching bathroom accessories (soap dispenser, toothbrush holder, etc.) can be a good gift that doesn't break the bank. Also, Anchorware®.
Does she like comics? You probably don't want to be the ex that gives a gift just to the groom.
Right, that's a good point. I think the pretty/funky home decorating gifts are the way to go.
I don't have the link, but Cookie Monster is going health food. The PTBs have decided that he needs to eat more veggies to be a good role model.
Umm. Yeah. Do they get that we always knew he was an obviously, glaringly bad nutritional role model? Or are today's kids dumber about that sort of thing? I can't believe it's the latter.
Warning: Much scarier than usual Michael Douglas picture.
Also, have you ever tried to mash celery in the fabric mouth of a puppet? Celery does not go to crumbs in nearly as charming a fashion as cookies do. If he were to try to eat a carrot, we might end up with a Phineas Gage Monster.
Which would be entertaining! But perhaps not right for Sesame Street.
Cookie Monster story. Bugmenot is your friend.
bugmenot gave me the coolest login: falken@dod.gov, password joshua.
Why do they have such a problem with this? Didn't they also make Oscar the Grouch nicer? And Sunffalupagus the invisible friend visible?
Man, they are just fucking up Sesame Street. Don't even get me started on Elmo.
bugmenot gave me the coolest login: falken@dod.gov, password joshua.
I thought that, too, connie!