I imagine that the Pope thing is 24/7 right now.
Woot - Illinois won!
I haven't been watching, but they kept showing the score on the crawl at ESPN2 (where I was watching a horse race) and I had to see the end.
Wow. First time Illinois goes to the Final EVER.
JoA: OMG, Cindy! That would have been so good! But you know,
I was also saddened that no one will ever call her "Jane" again and if they did -- it would be this bitter bitter thing.
I thought it was lame and boring (okay, short guys make less money than taller guys -- try having a pair of ovaries),
Also? Just because Malcolm Gladwell has it in his new book
does not make it news!!
Anyway, the whole thing was annoying, because the guys who were most interesting were not actually there to meet people. Eh.
sumi, I know. I thought the same thing (JoA), and somehow, because
SNYDER was there, I kept hearing Xander's line from Restless, about being glad he (Snyder) got eaten by a giant snake, in my head. And then I would wish that Adam would get eaten by a giant snake.
Yesterday, in our newspaper's TV section, they teased Joan of Arcadia by saying something like, "Tonight, Joan bleaches her hair, and becomes a vampire slayer," as an April Fool's joke.
And since
Adam LOST HIS SOUL!!! I think that was pretty funny.
I watched Joan too. There was part of me that
saw it coming, but I'm sad that my beautiful, perfect, unrealistic Adam is gone. But it was almost worth it to have Mrs. Landingham!God comforting Joan.
It was very amusing to see
this week. I hope that they bring him back.
What did you think of the promo? The idea of their being some sort of
Anti-Joan bothers me. Plus, the red hoodie thing just reminds me of the guy from the future who comes back and talks to John on "Dead Zone".
So, I've been gone
with my conference, but it's all done, and I'm back to annoy everyone some more! (okay, hopefully not on the annoyance part) If anyone is interested in seeing pictures from the top of the world, Barrow, Alaska, where over 200 people came in early March to discuss librarianship, you can do so at [link]
I apologize for the large pages that will probably take a while to load. I intend to go back and split them up, but no time now. I am SO not a techie, even though I have a techie title, so please be kind about the pages. This is the first official web page I've done, and it's been pretty much all in my spare
time, and my last personal one was in grad school, lo these many years ago.
It's a lovely day in the Bay Area and I'm off to climb and go out to lunch. And maybe buy some calla lilies to plant in my yard. My, I have an exciting life.
Sounds absolutely. We had snow today. Snow.
JOA: So, I don't watch all the time. What's with the
thing. Is it just a mistake, or is there some import? I thought I heard it twice.
edited because I wasn't kidding with that non-techie comment.
JoA: Adam
just always called her "Jane" -- I don't know why, but it was cute.
Ah, thanks sumi. This clarifies things.
that's what Adam calls her, pretty much all the time, and has since before they were a thing, so it basically is a term of endearment.
I can always count on b.org folks to save me from my shameful lack of faithfulness in tv watching. Thanks!