So, I've been gone
with my conference, but it's all done, and I'm back to annoy everyone some more! (okay, hopefully not on the annoyance part) If anyone is interested in seeing pictures from the top of the world, Barrow, Alaska, where over 200 people came in early March to discuss librarianship, you can do so at [link]
I apologize for the large pages that will probably take a while to load. I intend to go back and split them up, but no time now. I am SO not a techie, even though I have a techie title, so please be kind about the pages. This is the first official web page I've done, and it's been pretty much all in my spare
time, and my last personal one was in grad school, lo these many years ago.
It's a lovely day in the Bay Area and I'm off to climb and go out to lunch. And maybe buy some calla lilies to plant in my yard. My, I have an exciting life.
Sounds absolutely. We had snow today. Snow.
JOA: So, I don't watch all the time. What's with the
thing. Is it just a mistake, or is there some import? I thought I heard it twice.
edited because I wasn't kidding with that non-techie comment.
JoA: Adam
just always called her "Jane" -- I don't know why, but it was cute.
Ah, thanks sumi. This clarifies things.
that's what Adam calls her, pretty much all the time, and has since before they were a thing, so it basically is a term of endearment.
I can always count on folks to save me from my shameful lack of faithfulness in tv watching. Thanks!
Neat pictures, libkitty. Did you have fun?
I added JoA S1 to my Netflix queue yesterday (though, it doesn't come out until May somethingth). Ya'll seem to still like it well into S2, so I'm game.
I had a blast. I love Barrow. Unfortunately, when you organize a conference, you get to pick all the speakers and programs that you are most interested in, but then there is no time to attend any of them. Still, response was great and the planes got in despite some iffy weather, so I'm happy.
JoA: I haven't watched in awhile, but I did at the beginning. Adam just got her name wrong, heard 'jane' when she said 'joan'. She tried correcting him but after the first episode gave up.
There is a fire truck and an ambulance outside my building. I don't know why.
I hope it's not for you, Perkins.
I was feeling quite a bit better today -- better enough to be away from the computer being filmed for German TV and then more instructor training.
Now I have to go to an instructor's BBQ. I haven't eaten solid food today, so this is pretty freaking urgent.