What happens after the Pope dies? When is a new one chosen?
I looked this up the other day. The cardinals (red hats, but not red baseball caps) get together in a Conclave 14 days after the funeral. They are shut in together, talk, vote by ballot (incredibly elaborate ritual). If 2/3 pick the same guy, the ballots are burned with hay, and the smoke leaves the chimney white so all can see the Pope is chosen. Fewer than 2/3, ballots burned by themselves, black smoke, more waiting.
I think they do get pee breaks now, although the history of the Conclave began because of cardinal dithering, and at the first one, they were starved till they made a decision.
Here's a detailed article on the papal election process: [link]
What happens after the Pope dies? When is a new one chosen?
About two weeks after the old one dies.
We were discussing if Vegas or any of the British bookmakers had betting lines up on the potential candidates. I'm thinking Bernard Cardinal Law would get pretty long odds.
Found this. The stringing ballots on a string sounds like choosing a pontiff through crafts.
You don't want your obituary to be a footnote to Jerry Falwell's, do you??
With my luck, my obituary would be a footnote to Frank Perdue's.
I'm thinking Bernard Cardinal Law would get pretty long odds.
Ya think? When the only special interest group backing you is the pederasts' lobby, your chances are kinda poor.
Admittedly, I'm getting this from "Eurotrip," Aimee, (just because it was the most recent place I saw mention of it) but don't all the cardinals (or is it dioceses? The high ranking peeps, anyway.) go into seclusion, and pick someone, and then they have smoke from a special chimney, and a bell, and then the new pope who is chosen goes out onto a balcony, or something, so everyone can see who is chosen.
That vague "Eurotrip" explanation did resonate with the vague memories of high school European history I have at any rate.
But I'm positive that someone who is more expert will answer soon. ETA: Or someone will answer before I can post this, of course.
Bernard Cardinal Law
Now, I assume that they change their name when they become Pope, much like nuns and monks do? Cause Pope Bernie just doesn't seem right.
Remember, betting on the next pope is an excommunicable offence: [link]
Here's the latest TV scoop. I'm not in the same room as the TV, so heaven only knows what's happened now.
First, Italian Media reported the pope passed away.
Then, they said that wasn't true.
Then, there was a rumor that there was brain death, as per an EEG. However, if there is "only" brain death, that would indicate that he was on a respirator, because if your brain dies, the rest of you follows suit.
So, yeah. It's Schroedinger's Pope right now.