The book, A Million Random Digits with 100,000 Normal Deviates, is real, and something of a classic in the field of cryptography and computer science,
I have used this book several times in setting up random sequences for experiments or analyses. There's usually one old guy in every science department who has a copy in his office.
Admittedly, it is a very strange book.
I was gonna say, Hayden, don't talk about having terminal illnesses! You'll be next!!
You don't want your obituary to be a footnote to Jerry Falwell's, do you??
So, here's a question from the chronically ignorant:
What happens after the Pope dies? When is a new one chosen?
It's not terminal. It's probably only chronic.
The prognosis isn't good.
I had heard about the SA editorial but hadn't read it yet. Funny stuff and nicely pointed. I'm enjoying the Google pranks, also.
BTW, hayden, I don't know if I've congraulated you yet, so I'll do it now. How's the baby?
When is a new one chosen?
The Cardinals are called to Rome, and after the pope's funeral they meet and vote. The new pope has to get more than two thirds of the vote.
t /just Googled
It sounds like the night I deleted the entire production database at work.
LONDON (AFP) - A red-faced BBC apologised for requesting an interview with Bob Marley, the Jamaican reggae legend who died 24 years ago.
GOP Goes on Judicial Offensive (Warning - Fox News)
"This is almost a declaration of war from conservatives against the judiciary," said Washington Times reporter Bill Sammon.
Sen. Rick Santorum (search), R-Pa., said Schiavo not only was a daughter and a sister but "most importantly, an innocent person was penalized by a court system that grants convicted murderers fair treatment under the law, but not a woman whose only crime was not filing a living will."
Would these Republicans who are saying shit like this please tell us specifically how all the state and federa judges misinterpreted the law? Or else just admit that they didn't want the judges to follow the law in this case?
What happens after the Pope dies? When is a new one chosen?
I looked this up the other day. The cardinals (red hats, but not red baseball caps) get together in a Conclave 14 days after the funeral. They are shut in together, talk, vote by ballot (incredibly elaborate ritual). If 2/3 pick the same guy, the ballots are burned with hay, and the smoke leaves the chimney white so all can see the Pope is chosen. Fewer than 2/3, ballots burned by themselves, black smoke, more waiting.
I think they do get pee breaks now, although the history of the Conclave began because of cardinal dithering, and at the first one, they were starved till they made a decision.
Here's a detailed article on the papal election process: [link]