More Tom Delay on Terri Schiavo:
"It is more than just Terri Schiavo. This is a critical issue for people in this position, and it is also a critical issue to fight that fight for life, whether it be euthanasia or abortion. I tell you, ladies and gentlemen, one thing God has brought to us is Terri Schiavo to elevate the visibility of what's going on in America. That Americans would be so barbaric as to pull a feeding tube out of a person that is lucid and starve them to death for two weeks. I mean, in America that's going to happen if we don't win this fight."
"And so it's bigger than any one of us, and we have to do everything that is in our power to save Terri Schiavo and anybody else that may be in this kind of position, and let me just finish with this:"
"This is exactly the kind of issue that's going on in America, that attacks against the conservative moment, against me and against many others. The point is, the other side has figured out how to win and to defeat the conservative movement, and that is to go after people personally, charge them with frivolous charges, link up with all these do-gooder organizations funded by George Soros, and then get the national media on their side. That whole syndicate that they have going on right now is for one purpose and one purpose only, and that is to destroy the conservative movement. It is to destroy conservative leaders, and not just in elected office, but leading. I mean, Ed Feulner, of the Heritage Foundation today was under attack in the National Journal. This is a huge nationwide concerted effort to destroy everything we believe in. And you need to look at this, and what's going on and participate in fighting back"
I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.
Thanks, Tom DeLay, for ruining a perfectly good lunch digestion.
So, Tom DeLay (1) is bugfuck CRAXY, and (2) just admitted that yes, the Schiavo case is a political maneuver?
Um, does DeLay not even have the faintest NOTION how crazy he sounds given that conservatives control EVERY BRANCH OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT?
t bangs head against wall
starve them to death for two weeks.
I would really like to see someone starve to death faster. Unfortunately, physics has laws.
attacks against the conservative moment, against me and against many others.
Maureen Dowd saw this and said, Ah, I thought this was about her crisis. I see it is actually All About Tom DeLay.
Also, you know what? I respect psychotic paranoid ranting a lot more when it is actually legitimately paranoid than when it is cynically used as a tool of attack. Honestly Paranoid People Unite (if you can)!
That whole syndicate that they have going on right now is for one purpose and one purpose only, and that is to destroy the conservative movement.
Two questions: Does this syndicate have a website and do they take paypal?
That Americans would be so barbaric as to pull a feeding tube out of a person that is lucid and starve them to death for two weeks.
Great, now she not only can talk, but she's actually lucid.
Fucker. Bugfuck craxy fucker. I hope these words get him tossed out on his ass next election.
Also, now I want a t-shirt that says "PROUD MEMBER OF THE VAST LIBERAL CONSPIRACY."
I know a few right wing blogs that already have some for their side.
I have serious love for Maureen Dowd's column in the NYTimes today.
Maybe President Bush should spend less time preaching about spreading democracy around the world and more time worrying about our deteriorating democracy.
The scene on Capitol Hill this past week has been almost as absurdly macabre as the movie "Weekend at Bernie's," with Tom DeLay and Bill Frist propping up between them this poor woman in a vegetative state to indulge their own political agendas.