When dad skidded on half his face (well, really bad road rash- down to bone) the plastic surgeon offered to do an eye lift on the other side as well, since it was gonna happen no matter what on the damaged side. Dad declined. Said he wanted a before and after face.
Probably wise, given that the fix didn't heal right and required several more surgeries to get his eyelid right.
But you can tell, though I barely notice now as it has been 15 years.
I remember being on painkillers after surgery - When I had my eyes open I was talking to a friend who was there to see me, and when I closed my eyes I immediatly went into a lucid dream where I was talking to someone else. I opened my eyes and continued talking to my friend, then closed my eyes again and went back to dreaming... this went on for about five minutes - very weird
Heh. Anyone here who received one of my morphine-addled phone calls could probably tell you better than I can how weird morphine makes people. But it's still cool as hell. Best. Drug. EVAH.
Oh good. Dad's gorey tales (though I edited HEAVILY) didn't cause fleeing. While I'm squeamish about reality and me (I need to revisit the dentist. I'm afraid to despite the last one being really low key and good and gave me a headset on LOUD for a filling ), the stories don't bug me, though they often veer into TMI. And make me laugh at how gross my family can be.
I skimmed over the gorey bits. I do faint, y'know. :) (Funny for Ye Olde Goth and Industrial Son-of-Mortician boy.)
Different topic entirely: that interview I may have mentioned last week?
Got an offer.
It includes STOCK OPTIONS.
will be pondering all night now
Hmmm...much pondering. Take.
OK, so I'm living my jobescape through other people, I admit it. Oddly enough, for now? I'd like managing customer service. Isn't my goal career or anything, I just know how I think people should be treated pretty strongly, and how to deal with difficult customers- and I'm good at it. My director has said so. So. Escape.
I so love Marshall. He's comic relief, I know, but he's the antithesis of SpyDaddy and it make is so sweet.
Ooh, fancy. I didn't know they still had stock options!
Related to that: I was talking to this trustee of my grad school at lunch today, and he asked me "why nonprofit?" I went into my whole tale about how I moved to DC thinking I'd get into politics, but fell into nonprofit stuff, blah blah blah. He was like, "Oh, I meant why not for-profit?" Oh. Huh. Never really occurred to me. I was very careful to point out how happy I was that other people were out there making the big bucks for me to ask for, though. We actually had great conversations, me and this rich guy in his 60s.
Networking, Jesse. Networking. Go you and spin!