Crumpets and english muffins are quite different.
Crumpets are made from a batter and cooked on a griddle, like pancakes (but in ring-molds) and are (at least sometimes) baking-powder raised.
English muffins are yeast-raised and baked in an oven. You over-knead the dough to get the big holes.
Both are best toasted with lots of butter. And now I want some of both.
A chifferobe is half wardrobe, half bureau (or chest of drawers).
To add some more regional spice to word-choices, my stepmother from Maine used to call a bureau a "chesterdraw" -- "chest of drawers" as said downeast.
When I was young, we had a bureau-like thing called a buffett.
But that's more of a sideboard type item -- because we did too.
Not having read the script, I'd say they've got the casting backwards.
This was my first thought too, Jess.
We rented
The Door in the Floor
last night. I wan't expecting much and was very impressed. Really good, and the acting was stellar. Jeff Bridges is a freaking genius. (He's also naked in this a lot and looks pretty darn good). I recommend it for those of you of a mind to watch a smart, funny/sad, intelligent movie.
The big Evanston theater is showing
tonight at 11:59, 12:10 and 12:20.
If I went, I'd be able to sleep for almost two hours before getting up to go to work. Or about four hours if I just went back to work to sleep.
Or about four hours if I just went back to work to sleep.
I think you should go with this plan, tommyrot.
I think you should go with this plan, tommyrot.
I think lack of warm blankies will thwart this plan.
I think you should go with this plan, tommyrot.
Really? I was gonna go with the "Wait until tomorrow night" suggestion. Sleep AND movie, all in one night!