I read Wardrobe when I was in first grade, because there was hype for the premiere of the animated version, and my brother had a copy of the book. It took ages and ages for me to get through it, of course, but I don't remember the vocabulary being a particular issue. Even if I didn't know the word "wardrobe" going in, it's clearly a big wooden thing with doors, full of mothballed coats, so I'd have figured it out.
Oh, and I'm pretty sure Aslan is described as the Son of the Emperor-Over-The-Sea before anyone mentions that he's lion.
I believe you are correct, Strega. The Emperor is definitely mentioned in Wardrobe.
Mission Impossible 3 trailer. I have no real interest in the movie as a whole, but from the trailer I'm thinking I'd love to see all the action scenes back to back.
I recall having trouble with "chifforobe" in
To Kill a Mockingbird,
but "wardrobe" I figured out from context -- you know, place where you hang up coats, it's got to be a closet-object of some kind. Whereas "torch" for "flashlight," that took me a couple of reads as a child before I could convince myself that they weren't all carrying flaming sticks around with them.
but it gets annoying to constantly hear, "Oh, you know about that?" in a suprised voice.
It's a quick way to make a buck, though. In the same way, my grandfather once bet me I didn't know who had originated the phrase "armchair panther," which I had used in conversation one day. I made $10 off him by asking whether Thomas Wolfe had stolen it from somebody else. Preying on other people's perception of your ignorance is like an honest form of a con game.
Whereas "torch" for "flashlight," that took me a couple of reads as a child before I could convince myself that they weren't all carrying flaming sticks around with them.
This one still gets me on occasion.
I'm still not entirely sure what a chiffarobe is, though I remember asking my teacher about it when we were doing To Kill a Mockingbird in class. Maybe she didn't know either.
And in my experience a wardrobe is anywhere you hang clothes, not just a free-standing thingummy.
And I'm seeing it tomorrow,so yays for that.
This one still gets me on occasion.
Me too. For all that I can automatically translate bonnet intto hood, lift into elevator, and lorry into truck, somehow torch always = flamey stick in my head.
Whereas "torch" for "flashlight," that took me a couple of reads as a child before I could convince myself that they weren't all carrying flaming sticks around with them.
I was EXTREMELY disappointed.
I'm still a little disappointed, actually.
I'm still not entirely sure what a chiffarobe is, though I remember asking my teacher about it when we were doing To Kill a Mockingbird in class. Maybe she didn't know either.
As far as I recall, it's pretty much what I'd call a wardrobe -- a freestanding thing to hang up clothes, with some drawers and shelves and stuff too.
For all that I can automatically translate bonnet intto hood, lift into elevator, and lorry into truck, somehow torch always = flamey stick in my head.
I think "public school" annoys me the most. I do know that spanner = wrench. Oh, are crumpets the same thing as English muffins?