(sidenote -- I wish Wendy Hiller was remembered more - she was one tough actress and my definitive Eliza Doolittle.)
Amen. Even with the few lines she gets as the ancient Russian countess in Murder on the Orient Express, she really nails the role in her interrogation scene with Poirot. Also, she stars in my all-time favorite romantic comedy, I Know Where I'm Going.
I've not yet seen a pic of Ben Foster that convinces me. I need to see his face.
He seems to have crossed some mystical maturity threshold...immediately following Northfork his imdb pics are unrecognizable to me. And not in a bad way, unless bad equals rawr vs. awww.
His IMDB pictures are actively unattractive to me.
I'm clearly blinded by long-stainding woob.
I watched
Saturday. It was much better than I expected, for some reason I had it in my head that it would be really really horrible and I would have to suffer through it for Christian Bale (and Sean Bean).
But I was pleasantly surprised. The beginning is kind of pretenious and off putting, but the Bale is wonderful, so is what's her name the chick. Plus it had That Guy from As The Worlds Turn - whose character had one of those stupid "it wasn't rape, okay maybe but look! he's good and they are in love!" story lines.
The fight scenes were really well done. I wish I'd had a chance to watch the commentaries, but I checked it out from the library and then waited until the day it was due to watch.
I should get some (eps) tomorrow.
Cool, Erika! We are watching the last episode tonight. One warning--You may not get into it until episode two or three so give it time to suck you in.
That's pretty much HBO SOP although maybe I loved the first "Sopranos"
Also, she stars in my all-time favorite romantic comedy, I Know Where I'm Going.
Oh, that's such a good movie.
I like both of them, a lot. My Fair Lady may be a "why" musical, but it's a good "why" musical
I have to say that despite all the things I dislike about MFL, I have an embarrassing love of "On the Street Where You Live."
Oh, I don't dispute that the music doesn't suck. Not for a moment.
For some reason, "On the Street Where You Live" always segues into "People Will Know We're in Love" in my brain.