So this was made by RKO and they just recycled some of the set and cast for a quick B feature.
Also to set up the two male leads as a comedy team. Kind of a low-rent Abbott and Costello.
Yeah, no classic, but the kind of low-key amusement they don't make any more. With Bela Lugosi.
Zombies on Broadway
sounds exactly like what I need right now.
I meant to post a couple more comments about
Finding Neverland
(beyond repeating how sculpturally perfect Johnny Depp is). I was not expecting the chick from
Pitch Black
to be in it! And it turns out that the commentary on PB is correct, and she is actually an accomplished actress.
I also noted, a bit after the movie ended, that the inspirations for Captain Hook and Peter Pan were the ones to co-guardian the children. Which is perfect.
We use "He slimed me" all the time these days.
Pretty much every line in
is quotable, but I don't think they've transcended their source the way quotes from
The Wizard of Oz
have. I mean, what Nutty said about meta applies: People say "I'm shocked. Shocked." without realizing what it's from; likewise I know people who say "Lions and Tigers and Bears Oh My!" without knowing the source.
A friend of mine says that we quote movies today the way people 200 years ago quoted the classical authors. I disagree somewhat, but would be interested in other folks' take on that.
I see it, in most cases, as a function of bonding rather than wisdom. If I meet somebody about my age and say "Why would anybody steal a screw?" generally it's an icebreaker.
And if I meet a stranger and say "Lost art, ducking." and they Get It, I tend to think certain things about their world view and taste in entertainment...but sometimes I'm wrong.
The only way to do Cthulhu.
I just want to say that it's about damn time: [link]
I just want to say that it's about damn time
No SHIT! Yeah! Gotta go with you on that, Corwood. I actually have my taped version of PAT GARRETT... labeled "The Smiling Cobra Version"
Granted, in a lot of ways, it's RIDE THE HIGH COUNTRY getting a decent release that chuffs me most.
I'm even excited about Cable Hogue. Ah, Cable! Cable! Where ya been? Why'd you leave me for so long?
Sorry, John Cale took over my brain for a moment.
We're watching
thanks to Netflix. Not having HBO means we get to save interesting shows for whenever.
So far, I'm enjoying it, cocksuckers.
That'll be your new favorite word for a while. How far in are you?