Zombies on Broadway sounds exactly like what I need right now.
I meant to post a couple more comments about Finding Neverland (beyond repeating how sculpturally perfect Johnny Depp is). I was not expecting the chick from Pitch Black to be in it! And it turns out that the commentary on PB is correct, and she is actually an accomplished actress.
I also noted, a bit after the movie ended, that the inspirations for Captain Hook and Peter Pan were the ones to co-guardian the children. Which is perfect.
We use "He slimed me" all the time these days.
Pretty much every line in Ghostbusters is quotable, but I don't think they've transcended their source the way quotes from Casablanca or The Wizard of Oz have. I mean, what Nutty said about meta applies: People say "I'm shocked. Shocked." without realizing what it's from; likewise I know people who say "Lions and Tigers and Bears Oh My!" without knowing the source.
A friend of mine says that we quote movies today the way people 200 years ago quoted the classical authors. I disagree somewhat, but would be interested in other folks' take on that.