I saw Ghostbusters when I was seven years old, in the theatre, with two siblings and a passel of neighbor children, and I thought I had seen the heights of cinema artistry.
And it's a pleasant surprise to go back, 20+ years later, and realize it is still a good movie. Not the heights of cinema artistry, but, it's pretty damn funny, and not in a way that sacrifices the scary/exciting.
Also, marshmallow man the size of the Chrysler Building. What's not to love?
it's a pleasant surprise to go back, 20+ years later, and realize it is still a good movie.
I agree, it holds up pretty well. Co-written by Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis and Rick Moranis, it has that Second City/SNL sensibility and the dialogue remains very snappy, which is why people remember it so fondly, I suppose.
And their delivery was golden. Aykroyd's "It's the Stay-puff marshmallow man," had just the right note of being resigned to the absurd horror of it all.
I just checked, and my place of employ has Ghostbusters on DVD! Go Team Weekend Fun!
mr. flea has gotten really good at making popcorn in a pan. After many years of microwave popcorn, I had forgotten how much better pan-popped is.
Yummmm, pan-popped popcorn! My mom had gotten rid of the old popcorn maker when I was in college, so she started using the dutch oven pan for popping it on the stove, which is where I got my taste for that way of cooking it. Microwave has nothing on pan-popped popcorn.
I just wish it was easier to clean the oil out of the pan later. No matter how much I soak it right away, it still keeps that yucky slickness.
Why, cuz I haven't seen those movies?
Because when I was in grade school, you couldn't escape Ghostbusters.
Do you know where I was pretty much exactly 21 years ago today? At Lewis and Clark Theatre, with a bunch of my classmates, my hair in freaking curlers under a cap because my sister was getting married later in the day and I was to have ringlets, watching Ghostbusters. For the second time.
Hmm. I was probably spitting food on my bib.
t /mean
I remember you couldn't escape the Ghostbusters theme at the skating rink.
I remember you couldn't escape the Ghostbusters theme at the skating rink.
I'm a few years older, I guess. Skating rink anthems were all disco ones for us ("I Will Survive" and the all-time skating classic, "YMCA"). Roll Bounce is set during my prime skating-rink years.